Relevent Work Experience Needed

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by MXP997, Aug 5, 2011.

  1. MXP997

    MXP997 New Member

    Hi Guys!
    I can't wait to apply this September for Summer 2012!!! But I'm a bit worried because I've only had 2 proper jobs and I'm scared that this won't be enough experience. I was just wondering if there was anybody in the same boat as me? Or if anyone had any advice about this? I really hope I can convey my other skills well enough in my CV to be accepted because this Program sounds fab!!! :)
  2. helium7suz

    helium7suz New Member

    Experience isn't just about work it can be volunteering, extracurricular groups etc.
  3. Carissa_93

    Carissa_93 New Member

    Two jobs is actually pretty good, at least from my perspective because the only "job" I had (meaning that I got paid) was a paper route and that was so long ago that I'm not including it on my resume. I've tried to get jobs but it's really hard to where I live. So what I've done is get volunteer positions, both ongoing things or one day events. Personally, I think 2 jobs should be sufficient, because they can't expect you to have had an enormous amount of experience when you're only in university. I doubt there will be anyone who applies who has had more than 4 real jobs. But to be safe, just try to think about all of the skills you've learned/had to used during those jobs, especially things involving interacting with the public, and emphasize them and show how they make you a good candidate for the program.
    By the way, I haven't done the program or applied before, so I may not be completely correct, this is just my guess based on reading things.
    Good luck with applying!!!
  4. MXP997

    MXP997 New Member

    Thanks for your advice! I think you guys are right about including other things you have done like volunteer work and societies, as well as other skills that you have! Thanks for that, and good luck with your applications! :)
  5. DisneySpike

    DisneySpike New Member

    Disney doesn't really want (at least from my experience and what I've been told) the person who knows how to flip a burger a million different ways or knows everything there is about cleaning or something. Disney likes to train people in the "Disney Way" they like to mold and transform you. A lack of experience but being eager to learn is probably more helpful then a lot of work/volunteer experience.
  6. MXP997

    MXP997 New Member

    Great, I am really up for that - thanks for your help!
  7. gingerbuzz

    gingerbuzz New Member

    On the flip side of this is too much work experience going to be a bad thing then? :-[ I'll be 22 going on for 23 next august and have had more of my fair share of jobs!
  8. DisneySpike

    DisneySpike New Member

    No, as long as you show enthusiasm and a willingness to learn
  9. Pearcy

    Pearcy New Member

    Hi, I am a newbie here but I am very interested in this program.

    However, I have basically no work experience at all (at least no paid work experience). I basically started university straight out of High School (studying a Bachelor of Education - Primary) and haven't really needed a job as I have been living off my parents like a leech :p

    I have been a volunteer teacher's aide and had unpaid teaching experience (as part of my university course) but I am worried that this is not enough...

    For the record, I am 20 (21 in January), live in Australia and am very keen to do this program. I read the other posts and it seems that work experience isn't that necessary...just want to know if you think I will get the opportunity to be accepted.
  10. QueenBee

    QueenBee New Member

    ^^ You and me both. I also started uni right after high school, and have little work experience. I really want to apply for the 2012 Summer Work Experience program, but I'm worried that my lack of work experience will bring down my chances of getting into the program... ???
  11. Gemma94

    Gemma94 New Member

    I don't have any experience in the process myself but I've read an awful lot about it and experience definitely isn't required, I'd say go for it! What's the harm in trying? Good luck! :D
  12. Pearcy

    Pearcy New Member

    Well, they are coming down to the Gold Coast SCU campus on Oct. 10 for a presentation and interviews.

    I hope I get accepted for (hopefully January) 2012 because I really need a break from university.
  13. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    So long as you're enthusiastic, smiley and DISNEY then you have as great a chance as someone who has had loads of jobs!! Seriously, Disney look beyond how many jobs you've had or how long you worked there - they look for the right kind of person to be a cast member.

    Whoever said that Disney like to 'mould' their workers is correct - just as long as you're willing to learn it goes a long way. Volunteering, work experience (unpaid or paid) also helps in the interviews but most of the questions are actually revolved around things like "how would you deal with <enter situation>" rather than "tell me about your previous experience"... :)

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