Hey guys, deepest apologies if you've all heard this before but... I was told by Yummy Jobs that I could not be accepted for any of the programs starting September, due to my lack of experience in hospitality and tourism. (Although I do have lots of Cust Service exp, currently working in a cinema!) Obviously I was upset, since my Plan A after finishing my degree was gone. And I love Disney Florida. Then, Yummy Jobs sent me another e-mail without prompt a few weeks ago saying I was welcome to try for the Feb 09 positions. Do you think i'll never have enough experience? Or was I just unlucky this time? Thanx for reading, Jamie.
I'd say go for it!!! If you want it that much you should try and try again! It's good to show you're enthusiastic about it.
I agree. I am not from the UK but I am guessing you guys have had a lot of applicants this year. If you really want this keep applying. That is how I got in. Keep trying. Shows you are enthusiastic and and just how much you want this opportunity. Good luck.
Thanks a lot guys, i'll give it another go then. I think there was a lot applying for Sept. Congrats to those who managed to get through for September!
omg they said that! i dont have any really experience in hospitality and tourism....i work in a cinema too and they happily accepted me. i say try and try again!if i can get accepted...anyone can which cinema do you work for?sorry i'm just being nosey
Vue cinemas in Leeds, I thought it was a bit odd. I have loads of Cust Service exp. I think maybe lots of people applied this time round.
HA, hardly rivals. We're rubbish! Good place to work though, and I would have thought it would be suitable for Disney
and it still is!!!!its one of the few jobs that involes retail,merch,food,cleaning and admin all under one roof not to mention the customer service! apply again...if i can get accepted so can you
You have to have some sort of experience in hospitality or tourism to get accepted onto any of the programs?? Oh dear.
Of course! It's one of the biggest (atually, probably the biggest) providers of entertainment in the world! You have to have some experience. Well, I think I remember reading the odd person or two saying they've had no specific experience but they shone in different areas! I've been in the business since I left school at 15, it wasn't my first career choice (Disney Princess and then doctor were) but I can't seem to get away from it now, it's what I'm good at and what I love! I had the advantage of living at a seaside town so I got a job at a large Haven holiday park, probably one of the best things I ever did. It's like a tiny mini Disney world with the opportunity to interact with guests who are staying on site so you can get pretty personal with them over the week. Plus I learnt so many trades, I can now make candy floss and popcorn, serve in the bars, work a harry ramsdens fish and chip restuarant, serve in a restaurant, sell helium balloons, print t-shirts and do party dances! I once had to cook Sunday lunch for 50 mothers on mothers day on my own when our chef let us down. You learn everything. Maybe tae a year out and go work for one! They give you accomodation and you have such an amazing time! Plus it's excellent experience!
u dont need any experince!!!, cuz that way they will show u the disney way and u will learn it beside compare it.... they told us it on our presentation, that u dont need any experience since they train u, so the lack of experince was a weird excuse, ofcourse if u have some its a good thing, but not a big factorm they look for personality, so dont worry i think was the easy way to reject the amount of applications
This seems really unfair considering my grand total of experience was working in a post office and 6 weeks at wimbledon over the summer...
I think it could be a bit damaging to say you don't need any experience. He's been given a reason of why he was turned down and should pobably act upon it! Different countries might have different rules with regards to what's being looked for in the interviews. If you have no experience but an amazing personality where your confidence and ability shines through then you might make it anyway. But if it comes down to a choice of two people with great personalities and one has more experience than the other than that person will have the upper hand. Even if you can't change jobs just beef up your CV in other ways. One day a week volunteering at a scout group or your local st.Johns ambulance will look great on your CV and give your more confidence and it's great fun! I know when we were hiring at the Disney store we would get about 50 applicants a day (100 at the weekends and holidays) and would have to cut quite brutally before we even got to the interview stage. Someone just out of school would be cut, someone with just one Saturday jobs experience would be cut all in favour for people with more experience. It's all relative I suppose. Some people have got in with no experience... but I wouldn't want to risk relying on that happening for me.
I think a good tip also is to try and get work wherever you can get it at places the recruiter may have heard of.. I mean, mine seemed very impressed with the Wimbledon thing (I believe there are jobs going at the moment for this years in security and catering), so if you can get a job somewhere reasonable high profile that might not be a bad idea, then it gives your CV some wow factor.. even if you were just doing something Junior. And definately going in with more experience is a good thing (but by no means the only determining factor), I mean I was waitlisted indefinately the first time, but got in the second time.
I think thats a good point about the high profile job, sounds impressive. It's so odd because lots of people have huge amounts of it and others don't. It all seems very inconsistent and its very hard to put your finger on what you can do or say to get noticed. I go that rejection email too. It absolutly crushed me...because I felt like I wasn't being given a chance to prove myself at the interviews. But definatly don't let it put you off reapplying in the future, if anything use it to your advantage because it'll show commitment and dedication. Really...as if they can get rid of us that easily *evil cackle*!!!
Odd as it sounds, wear a pink shirt and metalic pink and silver tie. Sounds like a crazy longshot but worked for me...