
Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by jenmacp, Feb 2, 2005.

  1. jenmacp

    jenmacp New Member

    Hey guys:

    Does Disney request references on any of the forms when at the interview? If so, what are the best types of references to use? I have work references, but I haven't been in a customer services oriented job in awhile. On the other hand, personal references would be better able to speak about my Disney obsession.

    I gave references on my resume that I sent Cast Away, but I don't know if they were ever contacted.

    ~Jen - Canadian Hopeful
  2. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Hi Jen,
    Ive been accepted - my references were on my cv. I assume they checked them. I had 3 down - 2 were employment and one was family friend.

    Good Luck!
  3. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    yeah i expect they do ask for them, but alton towers didn't know about me goin to disney and they were my main reference, which is kinda odd lol, but however i've got in so they must have spoken to someone

    good luck

  4. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    i dont think any of mine were contacted. coz two of my three i definatly think would have said. I hd my employer that i worked for last, my current employer, and the head of the school community centre i teach dance in(so she could say im good with kids and making it all fun etc)

    I thought id found a really good mix too, and they werent contacted :(. maybe they still will be though!

  5. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    yeah its kinda bizarre. maybe our amazing personalities were what got us the job instead of our skills? lol

  6. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    It might be different in canada but here in the Uk - where myself marie Lindsey and Sara are from - the references dont get checked.

    I never had any on the CV i sent in to yummy and have never been asked for them subsequently by them or disney!!

    Like I said though - the process may be different in canada - anybody know!?!?

    Michelle xx
  7. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    chelle u clever clogs, i never knew that lol. as i didn't know that im not much help on the canadian situation lol

  8. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Lol! I guess we were all our own refs! They must be a good judge of character!

    I know my mums best friend would have mentioned it being checked! I guess the police check tells them what they need to know!

    Gotta go desperate house wives has started on tv!

  9. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    I've already seen this one! didnt realise til i started watching it, i watched it last week on e4!oops!

  10. tiggercharlotte

    tiggercharlotte New Member

    Lol- I've missed so many of them :'( I keep meaning to watch them, and various things get in the way, or I forget- so thank you Marie! I'd forgotten again! :D
    Charlotte x
  11. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Glad my random post was useful for once!

    Good luck with ur interview Charlotte!

  12. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    I guess our sparkling personalities are all the references they need!!! That and the fact we're not convicted criminals!!!! ;D
  13. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    lol totally chelle as i said to you on msn ;)

  14. jenmacp

    jenmacp New Member

    Heh - my uni HR prof would just love that equation:

    Happy interviewee + no criminal record = fabulous, productive employee ;)

    Charlotte: Television Without Pity has good episode summaries of Desperate Housewives and loads of other North American shows that'll keep ya up to date when you fall behind on your TV-watchin'!

    Thanks for your responses, guys - hopefully I'll see yas down there before 2005 comes to a close!

    ~ Jen
  15. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Thanks Jen am bound to check out that site sometime - anything to put off studying!

    Yeah its funny over the refs but to be fair most people unless they have no choice would pick people who are gonna give them great references so it prob doesnt help that much. What can i say we must of been our own references!

    Good luck with ur application!

    Marie x
  16. tiggercharlotte

    tiggercharlotte New Member

    Cool thanks Jen- I think I've reaallly fallen behind!! and thanks Marie! ;D
    Charlotte x
  17. Zanitta

    Zanitta Member

    I definately think giving a good interview is more important than having good references, I think they are just there in case they are trying to choose between two very close candidates or something like that.

    If it helps at all I had two references on my CV, one from my last job (at the disney store), and one personal. Generally I think you're meant to give on acedemic/employment reference (preferably from your last or current job) and one personal. If they need more than one work reference then they can always look at the employment history on your cv and check that, but that would be quite rare I would think.

    Oddly enough, with jobs I've had in the past they haven't checked my references until after they hired me, so I think they really are just a formality to make sure you aren't hiding something

    I'm UK based so it may work differently where you are. Unless they specify a specific number I would say one of each though.

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