reading/leeds festival

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MattSource5, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    just wondering if anyone off these boards are going this year? i'm going to reading, woop woop! only a week to go! x
  2. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    I'm too broke to have done any festivals this year but I am mighty jealous that you have the chance to see Metallica & Slipknot on the same day!
  3. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    they're actually not who i'm really going for i'm afraid, but will hopefully see them! i'm sure their pits would be crazy!
  4. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    I've seen Slipknot a fair few times & they remain the scariest pits I have ever been in! Never seen Metallica but would love to! Who is catching your eye then dude?
  5. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    rage was the band that originally caught me in as they were one of the first rock bands i listened to.

    really looking forward to set your goals and taking back sunday, and hoping to see H2O, the unseen, goldfinger, flogging molly, dropkick murphys, anti-flag etc

    i'll be spending a lot of time on the lock-up stage by the look of it!

    you been before?
  6. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    Nope, Download is my usual festival as I used to live in Nottingham & Donnington is only about 20 minute drive. Or Creamfields when I was younger & going through my reach for the lasers phase!

    Rage will be pretty spectacular, now I am jealous!

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