Re: Favorite Drinking Game

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mexican Princess, Apr 10, 2005.

  1. Mexican Princess

    Mexican Princess New Member

    ok.. to warm things up..
    i guess i shall start...

    In my country we have a lot of drinking games.. one of them is called "Abuelo" (Grandpa), its a mexican classic... and it goes like this:
    you should play more than 4 so it would be more interesting and fun..
    each person must have a number.. except one: the Abuelo..
    who doesnt have a number exaclty.. he's named Abuelo ONLY in the first question... and then as the game goes, he's number zero...
    (i.e. if youre 5 people, theres person #1,2,3,4 and the Abuelo , 0)

    the game starts with a question( which is repeated all over the game)

    "Cuando el Abuelo murio,___ copas de vino dejo" (spanish..)

    "When the Abuelo died, ___ glasses of wine he left"

    In the space you should say any number from the people who are playing.. this number MUST BE random.. the fisrt number it pops in your mind (i.e. When the Abuelo died, 3 glasses of wine he left)

    The person whose number was called (i.e. 3) should anwser with the following..
    person # : " Why ___  ?"
    Abuelo: "Then how many?"
    person #: "Make it __"

    And it goes on and on..
    It sounds a little bit confusing, but probably with this final example you'll get it.. cuz its such a good game..

    With 5 people..
    #1,2,3,4 and Abuelo is 0.

    Abuelo: When the Abuelo died, 2 glasses of wine he left
    person#2: Why two?
    Abuelo: Then how many?
    person#2: Make it 4
    person#4:Why four?
    person#2: Then how many?
    person#4: Make it 3
    person#3:Why three?
    person#4: Then how many?
    person#3: Make it zero
    Abuelo(zero):Why zero?
    person#3: Then how many?
    Abuelo(zero):Make it...
    and so on...

    You can play with any drink you want.. but the size is Shot size

    NOW when do you lose?
    Either :
         1. You didnt answer when it was your turn
         2. You confused a number with a person's name
         3. You confused while saying the question/answer
         4. You called a number that is not playing
             (i.e. #15 when theres only 5 ppl)
         5. You called your own name/number

    When you lose, you get a shot.
    If you dont drink the shot in less than 5 seconds, you get a double shot..
    If you dont drink it, then you're out of the game.

    Each person has 4 lives, which means a person can drink up to 4 shots.
    (plus the double shots..)

    Each time a person loses one life, the whole number and Abuelo thing changes.. so each person changes their number..
    The loser becomes the Abuelo..
    and the counting starts to the left from the New Abuelo..
    and the game starts all over again, until someone else loses

    TIP: Its easier to play this in a circle

    THIS IS FOR CONFUSING EACH PLAYER!! SO be careful and keep all of your attention into the game..
    because when youre gettin drunk you start having problems in calling numbers and all that.. jajaja

    When you approach 4 shots, your're out or "Dead".
    And you leave the game...

    This is a long game to write because of the rules, but its really fast playing!
    ANY QUESTIONS? just ask..
  2. E_Rich

    E_Rich New Member

    gosh, that is difficult...

    ??? ??? ???
  3. emma

    emma New Member

    thats a hard game to master sober or driunk!
  4. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    :)....................i am soooooooooooooo iritating posting in theis post I know!!!!!!!!! i really wanna know what jajajaj means??

    :D ;D
  5. emma

    emma New Member

    its just laughing...hahahaha = jajajajaja random eh?
  6. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    phhhewwwww now i know.........all i can think about is jaja binks out of star wars everytime i see it!!!!!!!>..its like i can hear his annoying voice in my head!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. JorisMarseille

    JorisMarseille New Member

    Hi everybody,

    Nice post, but i'm agree with emma, it's a hard game.
    I will try to explain a french drinking game, but sorry for my english.

    You have need to one cigarette packet and each players must to have a glass.
    When every glasses are full ( Alcool of course ), you determine in how many mouthful you can drink the glass. The number is the same for every players.

    The players send the packet above the glass...3 possibilities:

    1/ The packet falls on one of the two main face ( Where the name brand is in big ) = 0
    2/ The packet falls on one of the two with dimensions means of the packet = 1
    3/ The packet falls on the smallest face from the package = 3

    Begin of the game:

    The 1er player send the packet and do 1, the second send the packet and do 0...2 possibilities:

    1/ the 2nd player drink 1 mouthful, and after re send the packet, so the score sets out again of 0
    2/ the 2nd player try a " Ok or double ". He decide to re-send the packet without drink the mouthful, if he does 0 again, he must to drink 2 mouthful ( the double of the score ). If he does 1 or 3 you add this number with the number of the first player and it's the turn of the 3eme player.

    The good thing of this game is when you play just a girl against a guy. There is a face to face and you can adds somes rules as :

    - The girl can cherish the knee of the boy at the time or it draws the packet above glass ;)
    - The boys can give a joker to the girl against kisses... :p

    So, i hope my drinking game will enjoy you, if you decide to taste it before the commons !!!

    See you one day, at the edge of the swimming pool...

  8. Anika

    Anika New Member

    Hihi...that sounds like a lot of fun and an unforgettable hangover the next day...Something to remember... ;D
  9. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    Lol I've played something like the Abuelo game before. We didn't play with numbers a little more racy in the one I played :D ::) It's a good game though. Especially when one person keeps losing and ends up wrecked and unable to remember their name/number
  10. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    thats so funny tinkerbell i thought that at first and just thought it was from some random post i had not read! :D
  11. MyLittlePony

    MyLittlePony New Member

    My fave is a very simple game. People get drunk and let in on their nasty secrets in the process. Its called the "Jeg har aldri-leken". Or, in english, the "I've never-game".
    You sit around a table, then one person says, for example: "I've never had sex" Then all the people who dunnit have to do a shot. Except the person that says it.
    Their secret remains hidden FOREVER! Moah ha ha!
    Its a good game because its easy to understand, even for drunk people.
  12. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    We use to play that all the time but we know all about each other now so it aint as much fun, is good when drinking with new people!
  13. Mexican Princess

    Mexican Princess New Member

    uhh so many games..
    definetely i should try them someday...soon 8)

    has anyone played strip-drink-poker??
    its worth playing it, believe me ;)
  14. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    no but always wanted to!lol

    try limbo...

    take a shot, spin around 3 times then limbo. if you fall or know it down you have a choice, take another shot and remove a piece of clothing, or youre out!hha

    soooo much fun!

  15. Mexican Princess

    Mexican Princess New Member

    jajajajaja !!!
    god.. i LOVE drinkin games..
    theyre so much fun !!

    ive never heard of the games you guys are posting!!
    but theyre so cool !!

    any one knows a game with dices??
  16. rjshevy

    rjshevy Guest

    Ok everyone here is a game that is a lot of is called Suits and it is a chugging game

    It is best to play with at least 4 people and the way it works is everyone sits around a table.  There is one dealer and he will start with the person to his left.  That person will call out a suit: clubs, hearts, diamonds, spades...and then the dealer will deal one card face up to each person around the table including him/herself until a card that matches the suit called turns up.  The person that the card landed on has to drink what ever is on the card so ace being 11... jack, queen, king being worth 10.  But the kicker is that everybody around the table counts it down for you.  So if a 7 turns up then starting with the person next to the person that has to drink, he will say one and then so on around the table until 7 has been said.  But throughout this whole counting process the person has to chug his drink until the counting is done.  If the person finishes his drink before the counting is done, he/she must slam his empty on the table quickly.  then the next person that was supposed to say the number has to drink the card that was turned up. Once the card has been drunk another person will call out a suit and then it starts again.

    But you should note that any one person can hold out on the counting. So one could make the drinker finish his/her whole beverage on one number meaning that if the card was a 7 then someone could make the drinker finish his/her drink by holding out until he/she has finished his/her drink and then say one. So if you feel like being a jerk then do it, but remember what goes around comes around.

    **You get completely gunned off this game in a very short time**
    **As well i reccommend that you drink beer in this game as it is easier to get down in lrge quantities and you will last longer in the game**

    And then another game that i know is called the Century game

    This is played by having a group of people sitting around and doing a shot of beer every minute for 100 minutes.
    It doesn't sound like it is hard but i guarentee you this game makes you have problems standing afterward. It is way harder tehn it sounds... have done it once and only made it to 77 shots and i was absolutely trashed...i couldn't stand at all

  17. Jimbobdaga

    Jimbobdaga Member

    Minutes or Seconds?

    Anyway, That first game you talked about seams like a blast. I hope I get to play that one sometime when I'm in Disney
  18. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    Ohh!! I had to get in on this. I have THE easiest drinking game matter how drunk you are. We played it lots prior to going to Canadian Girls and PI.

    Who knows the card game UNO??? The Disney UNO version comes in a fancy holder with Tinkerbell on it. When you press Tink, she makes this annoying sound and four coloured lights flash. Basically, everyone picks a colour and if your colour comes DRINK! See easy. We made up a harder version too to play at the same time. You draw a card. If it's a regular number card, you don't drink...if it's any other card (wild, draw 2, draw 4, reverse, skip, etc.), then you drink!

    Doesn't get any easier. Sometimes one of us would just press the button and draw cards and yell at people to drink. Good drunken times. I miss Tink says Drink. A bunch of us are getting together in July and have big plans to play it!

  19. OttawaChikky

    OttawaChikky New Member

    Hey Robyn a huge fan or get trashed so fast...i can only make it to about time i passed out were i was sitting just couldnt get up!

    Another game i like palying is riding the bus / high low
    you put down about 7 cards(as many rows as you want depending on number of peeps playing) face up and you have one dealer and you choose whether the card the dealer will give you is higher or lower that the card already face up but if you guess wrong you drink....the best part is you have to re start everytime untill you make it through to the back of the bus without a mistake.

    Also me and the girls play Kings /Thumbs alot
    where everycard means something a nine would be bust a rhyme (and everyone has to ryme out a song), or have a card thats calle dmake a rule (ie cant drink with you hands), and have bathroom cards you cant go to the bathroom unless you have a 10......too fun to and the best card is the waterfal card where everyone chugs till the person with the card stops..

    Drinking games are key
  20. rjshevy

    rjshevy Guest

    Yeah Sheena Kings cup is a great game too...lots of different names for it though...Played it on the weekend and what a suprise, i got drunk!! :D

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