Random Questions

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by sabz, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. sabz

    sabz New Member

    What are the flight rules about liquid in suitcases? i have to take 12 bottles of contact lense solution.
    Do they sell colgate toothpaste over there?
    Are mobile phones expensive? I figured it wud b cheaper to get an American one than use my UK one.
    Exactly how cold does it get i winter? Do i bring winter clothes (I'm there for a year)
    Whats the limit on luggage? I'm flying with BA
    Who else is flying from Gatwick June12th at 11.05 am or Manchester same day at 6.25am

  2. keithy

    keithy New Member

    you have to put the liquids in ur suitcase chick, im sure ul get colgate toothpaste,

    im not sure about other prices x
  3. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    you can take any liquids in your suitcase and i think bottles with less than 150ml in your hand luggage. I work for a travel agents and people ask this all the time, but to be honest it's best to check on the TSAs website just before you travel.

    Dont know about colgate, if they do it will probably taste different to what it does here anywaY!

    Mobiles are pretty cheap. At Walmart i got a nokia. it was really basic but cost £40 including a pay as you go sim and $10 credit. EVERYONE had the same phone. If you have a phone which works in america then you can buy a Sim from www.fonepool.com before you go its free delivery to the UK too. Or you can buy a phone and sim package from that website too.

    It does get pretty cold, much colder than people expect it to get. Iv been there twice at christmas and there was ice in the cars when we left the parks at night! People who have lived there during winter should be more help! But id say take a couple of pairs of jeans and tops and buy more if and when you need it.

    Think its 2 bags of of 23Kg - http://www.britishairways.com/travel/bagchk/public/en_gb#europe

    Not me :-X
  4. sabz

    sabz New Member

    Thanx!!! xxx
  5. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I think the best deal is the nokia from walgreens on tracfone..there really cheap..i remember buying about $30 worth of credit and i text so much..i use about 800 a month in england and that lasted me a whole month..including calls and everything..its so cheap i found..the phone cost me about $30 if i remember rightly..

    Im just guna use the sim card out there again this time hopefully..in my english phone..fingers crossed it works!
  6. linsey

    linsey New Member

    Yes they sell colgate. And have more things than we do anyway when it comes to dental care. Americans are obsessed with that kind of thing.

    I'm hoping to just get a sim card to use in my own phone, if not then you can get a phone in wallmart on virgin for 20 dollars and 20 dollars worth of top up that you have to keep topping up every three months so no matter what you don't have to go without a phone. Just comes down to how high tech you want to be!
  7. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    this may sound stupid, bt is it worth taking a winter coat? cos it would take up a lot of space, or would it be ok to just take like warm jumpers?
  8. Emi

    Emi New Member

    We've been in December and it was really only cold enough to warrent a sweater. When you've lived in Britain you can live without a winter coat. Well, we could anyway. :)
  9. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    thank u!
    Im guessing florida winters are like our summers!?!
  10. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Hmmm no. Probably like our late Autumns. Cold enough that you cant go out in just a tshirt but warm enough (for us anyway) that us Brits can probably get by without a jacket. :)
  11. keithy

    keithy New Member

    emily remember ur scottish on this vote lol
  12. Emi

    Emi New Member

    LOL yeah I can go outside when its freezing with, like, a vest top. Heehee. ;D
  13. keithy

    keithy New Member

    yeah it is abit mental, especially more so with the weather we r getting now,
    really sun and scotland what??? i hav 2 look outside twice b4 i believe that its sunny
  14. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Hehe, I'm English and not so desensitised to the cold, and was fine with just a jumper when I was over there for Christmas/New Year :) Bloody tipped it down a lot of the time though- plastic Mickey ponchos at the ready!
  15. Jay1988

    Jay1988 New Member

    Hey i saw ppl talkin about phones, wats the best/cheapest way to ring home?im on contract, bt its way 2 expensiv 2 use it 4 the 3 months in US wile im there.
  16. rachet

    rachet New Member

    maybe one of those phone cards you can buy to ring on landlines? think it makes ringing back to an english landline pretty cheap.

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