hi i am think about applying for the cultural rep. program but i have a few questions: how would i get to work everyday being unable to drive? is transport reliable? i have a tattoo on my wrist which can be covered with a watch - would that be ok, and another tattoo on my neck which is covered by my hair do we have to wear our hair up? many thanks!
Hiya As for transportation Disney provide transport to and from work so that shouldn't be a problem. As for the tattoos, the rule is they cannot be visible. Not sure whether you'd be ok with where yours are or not. There is some info on the DIsney look available on the DCL site, to my knowledge the standards are the same for the Disney Look on DCL as they are in the theme parks. http://www.dcljobs.com/lookfemale.asp Hope that helps Colin
thanks for replying! so is the transport free? i've heard so many rumours about having to get cars, buses and taxi's etc...
Yep the busses are free - most of us use them. Your tattoos should be fine as long as you literally can't see them.
I am under the impression that if you have hair long enough to tie back, it has to be tied back, so as long as your tatoos aren't visable if you hair is up that might be ok. Maybe it might be worth emailing Alexis or Jason to find out?? xKx
First should ask are you a UK applicant or elsewhere? Not much point in us giving you the Yummy Jobs address if you not in the UK Colin
yeah, i'm from the uk also i've got train-track braces on my teeth which ill be there for another year and a half, is this a problem? also can you give me the official disney job website as i've lost it! many thanks
There's no problem with having braces-though your orthodontist might not be happy if you have to miss an appointment because of being in Florida... You should probably discuss this with him/her at some stage The official Disney International careers website is at http://www.disney.go.com/DisneyCareers/wdwcareers/international/index.html Have a great day! KC
also, do they mind if you go to the interview with one colour hair and then when you start it had changed? as i am thinking about dying my hair - but i'm not sure when
lol.....of course not.......they wouldn't even remember! lol As long as the colour is within the Disney Look guidelines then dye away!
also at the moment i'm only 17 and my b-day is'nt until next january and that's when i'll be 18, i really want to do the cultural rep programme and if i do actually do it i wanna leave asap (when 18), is there anyway that i can apply at 17: get all the interview process over and then go in january next year? or do i have to do it all when i'm 18? also do they hire at all times of the year or is there different times? also, nose, tongue and lip-piercings are a definate no-no? and... do you have to have your own health insurance? how much is this? p.s: sorry about all the questions!
If I were you I would email Yummy Jobs and ask them about the age thing, though don't be suprised if they say you have to wait until you are 18. If they say you can and interview you in November you will leave between March and Jun next year, there are not normally January leavers from Britain. Disney guidlines state you are allowed one pair of earrings, and no other body mods at all that can be seen. I was asked in my TI about this, and was told that as long as I took my extra ear jewelry out of my ears for work it would be fine, though I don't know how they would feel about open facial peircings... again best to ask.
heya i emailed yummy jobs but they didn't really answer my question? when do i have to apply before? i would like to leave not that long after i finish college, although obviously not in summer! so fairly soon in autumn/winter but i won't be 18 til may 2007 so i'm guessing i won't be able to apply til then (though thats another question they didn't really answer!). would this be too late?
I believe November interviews are for March to June departure, March interviews are for September to December leavers. This might not be totally right, but that's what I've worked out from what people have said before.
im pretty sure it depends soley on the need at the pavillion that you'll be going to... they were hiring Canadians on the weekend for departure later this month because they needed more people
Hey I'm afraid they wont let you even interview until your 18. I tried to apply for the International Program last Jan/Feb when i was only 17 and i was told i'd have to wait. Which didnt do me any good as i had wanted to start in September so that i could be back for Uni the following year. The very annoying thing was that the interviews where taking place like a week before my birthday Mhairi
I know that they interviewed us on the weekend in Toronto and they were hiring for September till January!! I know they mentioned that they needed at least 3 people in THREE WEEKS!!