Hey everyone whats up! First a little about me... My name is Omar, Im from Mexico and i did the College Program from Jan- July 2006. The day before I left Orlando there was a meeting in the Commons for the DCL and i left my application there. I didnt here anything from them until last week when they told me to program a phone interview for this week! Im very nervous, Ill be interviewed for the Cruise Staff which is something Im very excited in doing! But i have some questions... do you know if this is like the cultural rep. program? meaning do i need to pass the phone interview and then a face 2 face one? or how does this one work? Can someone please tell me the payrate and how much do they recommend working in cruise staff???
OK from what Ive read on here it is like the IP programe you have the initial interview and then the face to face before you get through (and you get the usual wait times accosiated. Don't know about the other questions as never worked there