questions from an applicant!!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by disneykanadian, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. disneykanadian

    disneykanadian New Member

    Hi Everyone!

    I had my interview with Disney yesterday and my nerves are going to be wrecked for the next 3 weeks, while I wait to hear back!! So I had a question: How many of you "accepted ICPs" felt that your interview went "ok" but not fantastic? I think I'm just over-worrying, but I keep replaying the interview again and again in my head, I can't help it! I just want to know if everyone who gets the job had a fantastic interview, or if all it really takes is to "be yourself" at the interview even if you don't answer perfectly to everything (I think I was myself at the interview, at least... :)
    THanks for the info!
    -Attila: Vancouver, Canada
  2. Ah don't worry, I felt the exact same way last year after my interview. I bet you did fine :D
  3. Disney Jess

    Disney Jess New Member

    Hii :)
    Aw I'm sure you've done well! I thought mine went quite well,but afterwards I was doubting it. Hopefully you'll be fine, just don't stress about it! What roles did you put down? As long as you were yourself thats all you can do!!! I'm sure you'll be fine :) x
  4. disneykanadian

    disneykanadian New Member

    I checked off four roles:

    1. Merchandise
    2. Main Entrance Ops
    3. Attractions
    4. Full Service F&B

    I've only waited 2 days, it's so hard to concentrate on all this uni schoolwork while I'm waiting for the results!!
    Thanks for replying :)
  5. disneykanadian

    disneykanadian New Member

    ...anyone else want to post here? :)
  6. ariella

    ariella New Member

    I had my interview Thursday in Toronto and have been going crazy waiting!

    I do keep going over answers wondering if I should have changed anything but I really only got one typical job interview question. The majority of my questions were like what's your favourite movie or what are you doing after the interview so I have no idea how they are picking who is going! I really need to stop over-analyzing lol!
  7. disneykanadian

    disneykanadian New Member

    those are exactly the kind of questions I got... favourite disney character, favorite movie, why I chose my major, what's my dream job (Imagineer :) ), what origin my name is from, what I'm doing after my interview... first couple days I went crazy over- analyzing as well, now I've kindof resigned myself to fate (who will hopefully "step in and see me through" like the song says lol). But could it please happen this week instead of next!!
  8. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I know exactly how you feel..Its so awful after the interviews, because you just wanna find out if you've got in or not..

    Only advise I could give is just remember whats done is done and you cant go back and change it..
  9. disneykanadian

    disneykanadian New Member

    exactly, and the more days pass the more relaxed I become (it's weird!)...I'll just cross my fingers and if it doesn't happen (*sniff*) then it just wasn't meant to be this year. If it DOES happen , on the other hand... I can start posting like CRAZY on this forum yay!!!!!

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