Questions about spring program

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by ReachmyDream, Oct 14, 2005.

  1. ReachmyDream

    ReachmyDream New Member

    Are people going to vancouver interview all apply for that 1 year long program or short summer program?Does spring program start from March?How long does it last?1year?

    I am wondering if cover letter is a must when applying ? Do ppl living in canada email Eric your cover letter?

    Thanks :D
  2. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    The summer program starts in May/June-ish I believe. Definitely send a cover letter. It doesn't have to be all professional and business like. Take the opportunity to show off your personality...stuff that doesn't shine through in a resume alone. Email Eric both letter and resume.


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