Questions about applying for Summer 2012

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by Carissa_93, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. Carissa_93

    Carissa_93 New Member

    Hi! My name is Carissa, I live in Ottawa, Canada, and I'm beginning my first year of university this September. I'm a really big fan of the Walt Disney Company, especially the theme parks. I've been to Walt Disney World and the Disneyland Resort three times each, and every time I have loved everything about them. I found out about the International College Program a couple of years ago, and since then I've been looking forward to being able to apply! I really hope that I will be accepted! I want this more than I can describe in words, as I'm sure many of you understand! :)
    Anyway, in the past little while I've been looking around on the Internet, on this website and on various blogs of people who have been a part of the ICP, trying to learn as much as possible about it and trying to find ways to be successful in applying :) However, there are still some things that I have questions about.
    My main concern is my age. At the moment, I am 17 years old. I am well aware of the fact that the minimum age for this program is 18. I will be 18 at the end of September. I read somewhere, and I believe it was on the Disney website, that you need to be 18 at the time of the interview. Does this mean the phone interview or the second interview? If the phone interview ends up being before my 18th birthday, I don't want them to say no to me just because at that time I'm 17. I'm thinking that if it's a possibility that this will be a problem, I might just wait until October to apply. The Yummy Jobs website says that the Canadian applications are open until December 31st, but if for some reason it ends before that I don't want to miss the deadline! Another bonus about waiting to apply is that I'm going to Disneyland Paris in mid-August, so then I'll get a chance to see Cast Members and get a really good idea of the kind of people Disney wants. However, I'm really excited to apply so I kinda want to do it earlier... what do you think???
    Then I also have a few minor questions... Does everyone who submits an online application get a phone interview? In the past, where have they normally had the Canadian interviews? At the second interviews, are they always done in pairs, or just most of the time? At the second interviews, when you rank the positions, are you more likely to be chosen for the ICP if you choose less popular positions? Also, when they ask you about the start date, if you choose a date that is less in demand (which, from what I've read, seems to be the earlier dates, which luckily are better for me), do you have a better chance of getting in? (I'm probably thinking way too far ahead, since I haven't even applied yet!)
    Also, I would greatly appreciate any ideas or tips about how to really stand out in a good way! I don't have that much work experience, in fact I've never had an actual paid job, just a bunch of volunteer stuff (but I'm going to try to get a real job in the fall). I think the most useful experience I've had is working in a zoo, because that's a similar kind of business to a theme park and it's a lot of talking to people, meeting people from a bunch of different backgrounds, etc. But I don't have much else so I need help!
    Thank you so much!!!
    - Carissa
  2. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Hey good luck in applying :)

    First off, i don't think your age really matters, as long as your at university your going to be 18 anyway. As long as you're 18 when you actually work for them it shouldn't be a problem. To answer you're other questions..

    I'm not sure where they hold the Canadian interviews cos i'm British but i know my friend had his in Vancouver last year but thats as much as i know,

    The second interviews vary, it depends how many people apply, how many people they have interviewing and how much time they have. I had my interview in a pair but i know others who didn't,

    Not everyone who applies gets a phone interview, if they have too many applicants they might just interview who appeal the most. I did think everyone got an interview until i read someones blog the other day who didn't get one :(

    Yes you will be more likely to get the job if you choose unpopular positions such as custodial and food and beverage. completely shine in the interview for the position you're going for, if you wanna be a character attendant and show u have a passion for it and they notice that you'd probably get hired but if you don't show a real interest in any of them (as in you don't mind what position you work) they're much more likely to stick you in a position not many people wanna do,

    If you choose a start date most people can't will increase your chances. It doesn't affect your application but you do have to think of it as you're up against less people if less can work that start date..

    & as for work experience, i'm not sure it matters if you show a passion for learning and working for Disney. It is good to have something to talk about in the interviews tho so just talk about experience u have in other areas like say at school or just hobbies you enjoy..

    Hope i helped anyway :) I did the program last year so i'm speaking from the experience of a bad interview...I really didn't think i'd get the job, I was in a pair with someone who had done Camp America before and had loads to talk about..I didn't shine next to him and I felt like he'd overpowered the interview...anyway I really believe the only reason i actually got the job was the fact i'd chosen an early start date and also when she asked me if i'd work in food..i said yes. It was pretty clear not many people had chosen that position so she wanted people to say yes...I'd like to think i got through for being great but who am i kidding lol my friend said she wouldn't work food and she didn't get it..

    Some people have natural flair though and do really well in the interview so i guess it really depends who your up against, who wants to do what and how many positions they have left.. :)
  3. Carissa_93

    Carissa_93 New Member

    That was really helpful, thank you! I can't wait to apply :)

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