What is an avarage day like for you? Is there a lot of stress? I've applied but haven't called them back yet cause I'm unsure if I should go or not. Would appreciate answers from Norwegians especially cause thats the pavilion I'd be working on. lol But anyone is welcome to answer! A part of me wants this sooo bad but I'm hesitant because I've heard so much about long, long hours with a lot of stress (dealing with stress isn't my strongest side). :-\ Thanks in advance!
Hi there! I worked in Cnd Food and Bevy! Now, not to alarm you or scare you, but You are going to be working in a very fast pace enviroment...And with that comes a bit of stress! The managers are always on your back, when you are on Podium, then when your a server your always getting double sat, Triple sat! It's hard! IF you can't handle stress i may recomend you go into merchy hood. I know with the Norwegians it's a character meal..They are busy all the time.
Hey ive just started food and bev in uk.. its very fast paced but in uk you are kinda eased into it.. id say the job as well as the experience as a whole is what you make it... if u want to get into tipped position ten it is hard, fast work but the rewards are worth it. Good luck
hiya, i've just been accepted onto work in the UK pavillion, so thanx alot for posting a message telling me what its about, luckily i've had the experience in working in a fast paced place, so it shuldn't be too hard!! can't wait to start!! so excitedxx thanx, charlie
Hey, I worked in the uk dec 2004-jan 2005, it's v hard work but v rewarding and worth it money wise. Especially in the Norway Pav, you have the story book princess character dining and the tips are amazing, the hours are v long there though as you are the only pavilion doing a breakfast shift! (sorry about that). You start off doing podium and outdoor foods/ bakery first though so u r totally eased into it! Good Luck D x