QS F&B??? What Am I Doing??

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by Eve, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. Eve

    Eve New Member

    so I am doing QS F&B on June 1st but what exactly am I gonna be doing???? And I am totally panicking, I never told them I have a problem with my wrist??? will I get like kicked out for that??
  2. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    thats what i'm doing on that date too, i dont think u'll get kicked out, i'm terrified of burning myself and i hate cooking, ovens and all that malarky so i'll be useless at the job but i did tell them i couldn't do the role lol but mehh u might just be serving food or something, i dont really know tbh =] x
  3. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    They're very good with being accessible. I have knee problems and didn't tell them about it, and then I had to call in sick numerous times because of my knees and my managers were like "We can get you moved elsewhere if you need it" - because my job was walking walking walking! Food and Bev can be anything from making 12 million dirt cups (the oreos+ choc. pudding + gummy worms) in the AM to serving waffles to working the cash register. They will find a spot for you!
  4. Tink**

    Tink** New Member

    I worked in QS F&B and honestly there are sooooo many different positions. You can get put to work at the outdoor carts, inside a restaurant, at the food courts in one of the hotels, or in any of the small little food locations scattered around the parks. Just let your area manager know when you start off what your abilities are and they are really good with helping out to make sure you are in a position that won't cause you any harm!! They definitely won't fire you for having a wrist problem.
  5. Eve

    Eve New Member

    Ok cool thanks. The thoughts of working with food makes me physically sick to think about but im sure it will be ok. i just cant life too much weight with my wrist as it is still really really weak since the accident so it does get pretty sore at times. . . . . I will ,emtion it when i get over there tho!!
  6. pinksparkles2

    pinksparkles2 New Member

    I'm QS food and bev on June 1st tooo, so I may see you there :)
    I've heard that it's not as bad as it sounds.. I think people imagine just flipping burgers and frying chips the whole time theyre there.. but hopefully theres more to it than that :)
  7. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    So much more! I worked in the Columbia Harbour House in Magic Kingdom, and I never once cooked food - I served it to people, and I stocked condiment bars, closed counter at night and I greeted people - so magic moments, organising the queue and welcoming them to the restuarant.
    Other places do diff things, but most QS restaurants won't train you on kitchen just for the summer - you may also be trained on cash and/or bussing instead of counter - it depends on the place though. You'll probably love it - I did, but I also know people who didn't enjoy it (being realistic here) - but it's worth it to stick it out for all the other great stuff! (Main places I knew people who enjoyed it less were Pecos Bills in MK and Electric Umbrella in Epcot) - these are only people I knew though - others there may have enjoyed it!
    It also looks better on your CV not to quit (and quitting can affect your chances of being hired by another Disney company such as the Disney store)!

    Go in with an open mind though :)
  8. SiY

    SiY New Member

    Is there many opportunities to work behind a bar as such?? I have 3 years worth of experience doing that with no real experience cooking food. Does anyone know if there are opportunities to do that???
  9. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I doubt it on the 3 month program - there aren't that many (if any) QS restuarants that also do alcohol.
    Sorry :)
  10. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I would imagine that you get to pour a lot of coke tho right? :p

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