Hi everyone. Just got an email from Disney saying we have to do some sort of presentations about our home towns!!! Anyone else heard this or know what its about? Bit of a chicken when it comes to presentations! :-[
Hm..this is a new one on me! Do them out in Orlando? Or might you have got confused with the presentation they give on the interview day? James x :
Hi lou... well, if you're going to have your interview I'll say that very often it happens that the interviwer asks you this question: "if a guest comes to you and asks you why he should come to your country and visit your city what will you answer??" I suggest you to talk about: historical places things to see natural environment ..and most of all... funny places why you like your city what you do there where do you usually go and things like that... I hope this helps!
By the way.. ..it's the first time for me too that I heard about this thing... it sounds quite strange that disney sends this kind of e-mail.. ..i'd like to know why!! ;D
i never listen about it... for what program are u applying?? maybe thy refer to the presentation their show in F2F i dont think they listen everyones presentations because atleast here we were like 60 - 70 for interview but who knows! but the often ask about what u can tell about your contry? what will you say to a guest about your country if he/she has never visited it? and that kind of questions, so just think like if u are a tourist un your country what do you like to see? ans make a research of that
Another question they are very very likely to ask (I had it) is 'What gifts would you bring from your country to give to people in Orlando?' I said that i would bring traditional Welsh love spoons...at which point i was asked 'What is the history of the Welsh love spoon?'...and i stumbled and couldn't think of an answer!! If there is something you can't answer, be honest and they will be happier that you were, than if you look silly trying to make an answer up! : James x :
When Yummy Jobs was here last week (in Rotterdam, NL that is) they mentioned that Disney was thinking of asking the international cast members to give presentations about their home country as part of one of the volunteer programs. (I think one of the suggestions was to do presentations for children who are ill and are staying in the special Disney accomodations, I forgot what this program is called) Anyway, Lou is probably right then...we have to do presentations about our home town. Don't worry Lou, doing this is part of the Disney experience because it will help you in gaining confidence and strengthening skills for your future carreer. Look at the bright side ! I don't know if every international cast member has to do this or that you may be selected to do this, but you may want to start thinking what you want to share about your country! So people start thinking! Hope this helpes!
Hi everyone! Thanks for all your replies they have really helped. I have re-read the email and i am pretty sure the presentations are for when we get to Orlando! But think i will just have to get over it and find some info on where i live! I have already been accepted on the cultural rep program, will be working in UK F & B! ......Cant wait!!! Thanks, Lou x x x
still remains a kinda "strange e-mail"!!! ;D Find some info while you're still at home.. ...so once there everything'll be done!
Hey just think of it this way Lou... I HATE presentations too...I always get the feeling I am going to get something completely wrong...but what can you get wrong about your home town...or where you live?? It's all you're own feelings and thoughts and what you know...I mean what I know about my area someone else who lives pretty close might not. There are 4 of us all from around the same area at home that are going out for the cultural rep (3 of us on the same day ) and what I know about they might not, or know something different So don't worry...even if you just say the basics about your home town I'm sure it will rock coz its interesting just to find out a little about somewhere new!! xKx
I'm completely with you.. ..don't worry too much about it.. Guests will find what you'll tell them amazing just because they're meeting someone who lives there!!! remember to smile all the time.. that's the most important thing.. be enthusiastic and be yourself!!!
Actually I was asked if I would mind doing presentations about Newfoundland to kids in local schools around Orlando. This was during the interview, so perhaps that's what it is about? Maybe, possibly? .