Hey guys-anyone been/already out there and suffer from asthma? I spoke to my Doctor about getting my inhalers prescribed over there but she didn't know what would happen. I have a few to take with me but will probably need some out there-do I need a letter from her/UK prescription to get the equivalent out there? Any help would be great, thanks!
I don't have it quite as bad..Like 2-3 inhalers last me a year usually.. So im just guna sort of save them up before i go..Im guna get one now, then probably another one in a few more weeks and so on if you get me.. Do you not have a repeat perscription for your inhalers? Thats what i have, so i am just allowed to go to the chemist whenever i want and get a new one (within reason) So thats what i plan to do..You probably have it worse tho, so u might have 2 ask if them about that..Because it you use one a month, i doubt they'll give you 12!
i spoke to my dr - i dont have asmthma but i have medication that i have to take daily. she basically said that i would defnitely get 6 months to take with me but after that she would need to discuss with the senior person at the practice. ive done a few searches on the meds i take on the net and it costs around $100 a month for the 3 different types out there which is pretty steep
Definitely talk to your doctors to see whether you can get a 12 month supply- medicine is very expensive out there. I know a few people who managed to get a years supply because they were going out for a year- especially for things like the Pill which is apparently a lot harder to get out there. Charlotte x
Thanks Charlotte I will look into it-would be good to have my won supply so I dont have to worry when Im out there I guess!
I just got mine today and was able to get 6 months but not allowed more than that. And my doctor had to find out I was going because I need a letter from him saying I'm well to give to the medical people there. He thinks I can get my stuff over the counter when I need it though, except he did think that getting the pill, I may need to see a doctor first. which would suck. so other girls may have that too, but he wasn't entirely sure on that though.
I, too have asthma. I'm only going for the Summer Program so I'm just going to take two new inhalers with me.
my dr said i might be able to get a years supply of my diabetes meds but that it would need to be discussed with the senior dr at the surgery - im tempted to tell them if they dont let me have it i wont take it lol as to the pill at home i have the depo ive asked about getting the implant for when im out there but my dr was a bit concerned that if i needed it removed they wouldnt do it because its not that common place in the states. but they do seem very behind on contraceptivie stuff - the morning after pill is hardly available outthere for example
That's odd, I thought they'd be more advanced on the contraceptive front... but then I suppose they don't have the same teenage pregnancy problems the UK has.
they arent as liberal in some areas with sex - basically they have half the government run by people who adhere to religious doctrine stopping anything that is likely to 'encourage' sex before marriage through government. stupid yet true. im pretty sure it was hilary clinton who pushed hard for the morning after pill to become more readily available in the last 6 months or so cant remember exactly but it was on the news not so long ago - apparantly people thought it would hurt her political campaign to be associated with 'loose' morals - kinda amusing when you think of bill isnt it? lol