Prepaid Cash Cards

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by Skibaby, Apr 20, 2010.

  1. Skibaby

    Skibaby New Member

    Hi guys,

    Wonder if you can help me! I've been looking at prepaid cash cards that will save me talking travelers cheques or cash over to Disney with me! Has anyone done this before? Is it worthwhile or am I best just to take cash and my bank card and withdraw as and when I need it?

    Hope you can help me! :)
  2. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    Hey! I was in the travel adgents a few weeks ago asking about them! Im defos going to be using them instead there brilliant and you still have the security that travelers checks have if you loose it or its stolen! So it kinda wins over the bank card and Im puttin my money in the card in dollars so i dont need to worrie about the exchange rate when lifting money. its free to use the card n a dollar or two to life the money from a machine. xx
  3. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    yeh i reckon the sta travel ones best cos u get 2 cards and so my bf can bring one over when he comes if i lose mine and its a mastercard x
  4. jameshamuk

    jameshamuk New Member

    hey i used the last time i went to america

    it was great, it was a mastercard like the STA one

    im gathering theyre all the same kind of deal
  5. jameshamuk

    jameshamuk New Member

    also the caxton one doesnt have any ATM fees like the sta one :)
  6. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    cool i haven't heard of that before i'll haveto check it out, how much does it cost for one?
  7. jameshamuk

    jameshamuk New Member

    £10 but they put that in dollars on the card so its basically free!

    I paid the tenner last week and I have $14.95 on it now haha :)
  8. BANGItsLaura

    BANGItsLaura New Member

    I've been thinking about getting one of these pre-paid cards too instead of travelllers cheques.
    Does anyone know who's best to go with?
    So you pay for the card, put dollars onto it instead of pounds, and everywhere accepts it- no charges to the card or anything?
    Seems like a more modern secure way to go things! :)
  9. BANGItsLaura

    BANGItsLaura New Member

    I've had a look at the STA travel, Tuxedo, and Caxtonfx one.
    The Caxtonfx one looks like the best possible option, I've just never heard of it before, and so am unsure if it's real?
    Also, it mentions most US ATM machines do charge you to use it- even though they don't. Does anyone know the average cost of using an ATM in the US?
    Finally, it doesn't charge you for using the card in stores does it?
    Many Thanks! :D
  10. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    I'm getting the sta travel one today, u can buy it in store so i know its legit and u dont have to pay for ur 2nd card whereas on the other site u haveto pay £5, and i know all the hidden costs for the sta card and i know i can transfer funds from my bank straight to the card easily enough =] x
  11. pinksparkles2

    pinksparkles2 New Member

    I've ordered my Caxton card. I've heard good reviews on it and everything about it sounds pretty good. So I don't think there's any chance of it being a dodgy company!
  12. jameshamuk

    jameshamuk New Member

    Ive used the caxton one before and i didnt get charged for using the atm or for using it in any store, the only charges for using an ATM is like the not common atms - like over here in off licenses where you get charged £1.50 or whatever

    I withdrew 500 dollars from a bank of america ATM with it and didn't get charged a penny!
  13. BANGItsLaura

    BANGItsLaura New Member

    The caxton one does seem to look pretty good. I'm gonna check out some reviews, and check what the charges are abroad for using my own debit card, then probably apply for one!
    Is there an atm on the accomodation? I'm guessing they're dotted around the Resort now? Free?
    Thanks for the help guys!
  14. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    the only downside to those cards is they cost u extra for additional cards so if u lose one ud have to pay 4 an extra one & itd be sent to ur home address, so in theory u wouldnt get any of the money back till u got home, but i guess if there free u could just get 2 x
  15. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Whilst I was there hsbc decided to block my debit card (despite me telling them before I went that the next transactions would be from the usa...) and told me they would send a new card in "7-10 working days" to "your home address"... I was like, thanks a freaking lot!!
  16. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    thatd be awful :eek: but do u just use ur disney card after a while? x
  17. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    That was before they did this disney card thing... so I only had my travellers cheques and a credit card which was for emergencies.... so yeah, I ended up owing my dad $500 because I had to keep using the credit card for stuff in the parks (like merchandise and food which I spent way too much on anyway!) but now they have these disney card things that should be good!
  18. BANGItsLaura

    BANGItsLaura New Member

    I recall reading on the Caxton Card thingy that they send you out a new one wherever you are in the world...?
    Put it costs like a fiver for an additional card- and the first card is free- where as most places charge you for the card in the first place. So I may just do that. It does advise you to do so.
    Money eh!
  19. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I just went to Tesco and bought my dollars (I got paranoid about the £ crashing after the election, I doubt it will but there you go) and asked for $300 in travellers cheques. But she told me they don't stock them anymore and so instead I ended up with a travelex currency card which is what you guys were talking about earlier. Looks pretty good, so I have money on that and I got some money in cash as well. You can register it online and then you can check your balance and recent transactions online!
  20. BANGItsLaura

    BANGItsLaura New Member

    I've bought my Caxtonfx card, and it looks pretty sweet.
    Not sure when to load my money onto it though... The £ is going to crash after the election? Whaat?

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