Prefered departuredate?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by lovely, Oct 13, 2006.

  1. lovely

    lovely New Member

    I was just wondering, I saw on the applicantsform to yummy where you fill out when you like your departure to be, between two dates or ssomething. Is it most likely you are sent out as early as you set up as possible, or could you have to wait for a while?

    And how much time was it between the dates you set up? (if you do that in every country?)

    Thanks :)
  2. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    Hi there......
    name is Tracey and I am from Canada and start in a mere 8 weeks!! I applied in January of THIS year and was interviewed, telephone interviewed and completed and hired by the END of March!! They asked during our interview WHEN we were able to start the program....well seeing as how I was living with a group of girls and working as I am older then MOST going on this program......I asked if I could have a LATE IN- asking to start in December!! They told me they WANTED to know what we prefered and took it into consideration!! Luckily for me, DECEMBER IT SHALL BE!!

    Hope this information helps ya......BEST OF LUCK!! ;D ;D
  3. lovely

    lovely New Member

    Yes, that does help ;)
    Good for u, congrats!

    Have'nt had my interwiew yet(next sunday...) But I'd like to go early february, or in june, not so much in months between, cause if I can't go in february I'd prefere just taking one more semester at uni and then go in june....
    But I'd like to go in feb....! (if I get the job that is!)

    Anyone else who got a departure date? :eek:
  4. KirstyLouise

    KirstyLouise New Member

    I leave the same day as Tracey *waves*

    When you get to the F2F you have to put the earliest date you can leave and the last date you could possibly leave (last mainly for those wanting to go during gap years etc). I put I could go anytime from the beginning of November and got Dec 5th as that was the next departure date. I know of some people over there who put July and left in Sept just depends what dates are available :)

    Good Luck with your interview

  5. lovely

    lovely New Member

    Oh ok.

    So i guess I'll just hope for the best then :)
    Thank you 8)
  6. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    HI SISTA.....waving RIGHT BACK AT YA...........

    The gentleman that was interviewing WITH me....there were ALOT of us at the interviews so they asked if we would fancy having 2 PEOPLE being interviewed at the SAME TIME!! So anywho.....the kid that was interviewing WITH ME told them he could start ASAP and they told him that he would be able to go in like 2 WEEKS if they could get the paperwork ready!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

    YES I was STUNNED at that one.....however it also will depend on WHEN your applying!! I know that this round of hiring was done in MARCH!! So, if you apply you MAY end up going in Feburary or something CRAZY like that!! For the Canadian crews going, they have a couple of departure dates per year!!


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