Possibility of Promotion?

Discussion in 'Disney Cruise Line Discussion' started by Ona, Apr 18, 2005.

  1. Ona

    Ona Member

    I'm curious as to whether there's any possibility of being hired for positions above entry level and/or if it's possible to work your way up with DCL? Being from the UK (and not speaking a word of French!), DCL is really the only option I can see for a career with Disney, other than the Disney Store, which isn't something I'm interested in at the moment.

    I'm a Disney Dork. I have to work for Disney. There is no other option. :)

    Ona x
  2. jennifer_flewell

    jennifer_flewell New Member

    Hey Ona! It's Jen from Canada Merch. I'm leaving May 17th for DCL. I'm going to be in merch. I'm not sure which ship I'll be on but I did ask about promotion. DCL told me that there is room for advancment and that you basically have to work your way up.
    Are you going to apply for the cruise line? You should. I know how much you love Disney.
    Anyways I hope this helps.

  3. Frenchy

    Frenchy New Member

    Hello Jennifer,
    I have my interview very soon to be in merchandise on the DCL. When did you have your interview? And how was it? Was it stressful?
    All your advices will help me!!!!
    Thanks a lot.
  4. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    Jen left for the cruise on May 3rd, so I can partially answer for her. She interviewed on the last day of our IP program at the end of last July. Don't know much about it, but she had to wait a looonnnngggg time to go and then they moved her date up two weeks on her with like 5 days notice!!!

  5. DCLlulu

    DCLlulu New Member

    Hey there..

    Shan - whats up...hahaha..don't you love this board. I ran into Scott last week and had some good laughs with him. I am still at home waiting to go back to the ship, I am going to Florida next week for a holiday and getting signed on as a day visitor to the ship - so that is exciting...

    ONA - What's up girl?!?!? Well you should come to the ship. I have been there for over a year now and its awesome. And yes - there is room for advancement within the company. So get your butt down to FLorida and come and work for the ship. Merch is good, and you can make your way to Merch manager, and so on, and you can even switch departments after 6 months. So...check it out.

    Any questions - ask away.


  6. Ona

    Ona Member

    Hey Lynsay! :) Can't believe you've been there a year! :eek: Only seems like yesterday we saw you on there. So cool you're still loving it. ;D

    I emailed Seefar who were the PA for DCL in the UK but got no response what-so-ever. I've heard from elsewhere that apparently they're not the PA any longer so to find out what's going on and who to contact I emailed DCL. I asked about recruitment in the UK, promotion, promoted posts and hr and training roles. But I've had absolutely no response from them either. Not even an automated response. I'm wondering if I have the correct email address? ???

    I think I might try phoning instead. Let's face it, I'm not getting very far via email. :-\

    As for positions, I would consider merch since that's what I've done in the past and because I've heard good things about the hours and time off but I would also be interested in training roles. Has anyone got any experience of training roles? Just wondering what the hours are like etc.

    Ona x
  7. soleil plage

    soleil plage Guest

    Hi Ona

    I don't work on the ships - but I do work as an Overseas Trainer/Recruiter for a Holiday Company.  (being a Disney Trainer was my foot in the door)
    I'm lucky that the company that I work for are training me up with transferable qualifications and I enjoy my job  :) I still get to travel once a month so it keeps those itchy feet at bay -   I'm going to Bordeaux on tuesday so its not all bad. ;)

    I'm building up my skills working for another company and then maybe call DCL in 12 months and say "hey! - look what I've been doing since I left Orlando - I'm up and coming - check out my tragic/fantastic french skills and oddball comedy training style!!" lol! ... hmm... ok... maybe not in those words but you catch my drift ;) :D 
  8. Rudy

    Rudy New Member

    my best mate arrived the same day as me (in merch too) and he was made assistant manager after 3 months!! amazing!! v. proud of him!

    melissa x
  9. Dougslar

    Dougslar New Member

    Hi Rudy!

    Do I know you?? I was at Epcot March 2001- May 2002 in merch! Apartment 1514, so not far from you.
    Are you on the ship at the moment? Which one?

    Sorry to be nosey but just noticed when you did the IP!!!

    Laura. xxx :p
  10. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    Hey Ona,

    Craig tried to apply to the ships too. Could figure out who to apply to over there so sent his resume to Florida and never heard a thing back from them.

  11. Ona

    Ona Member

    Seriously, it's crazy! ::) It's like you have to be James Bond to figure out how to apply, never mind actually get hired. :eek:

    Not that you'd get the job if you actually were james Bond. I mean with a record like that! He really wouldn't be able to work in the US let alone for Disney. ::)

    Hmmmmm I appear to be talking vast amounts of rubbish. Time to go. ;D

    Ona x
  12. Rudy

    Rudy New Member

    hi laura,

    i was there nov 01 - dec 02 but i worked food and bev in epcot!

    curretly on vacation from the magic but will be heading back there in a few weeks!


    p.s i was in 1322

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