
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by brennan0720, Mar 1, 2006.

  1. brennan0720

    brennan0720 New Member

    I don't know how many of you like/listen to podcasts but I love the WDW Today Podcast. Three times a week 4 awesome guys get together and talk about the park sometimes having special guests and answering listener questions. I've been working my way through about 65 episodes or 20 hours and I love it. Disney lovers will recognize Len Testa co-auhor of the Unofficial Guide to WDW on the show as well as other notable Disney Web Hosts. Check it out in iTunes or on the official site at www.wdwtoday.com . Any other people have Podcast, Disney or not reccomendations?
  2. KC

    KC New Member

    Personally, I'm an ITM guy ;)

    Inside the Magic is an Orlando based Disney podcast which has all sorts of stuffs from around WDW... Trivia, news, reviews, ride-throughs, competitions, and aaaaaaaall sorts of everything that you could want in a podcast! Plus, one of the hosts used to be a jungle cruise skipper and has shared all sorts of stories about his time working at the Magic Kingdom and also at MGM.

    It's veeeeeeeery entertaining and comes highly recommended!



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