hey guys! i know some of u have had ur f2f interviews in london for the year program and some of u are having them in a few weeks...I had mine over here in Florida on friday. I dont think it went well at all tho... it wasnt AWFUL, but i know i could have done much much better, i just wish i could do it over again! I just want this job sooooo badly. I was dead upset afterwards, so im just keeping my fingers crossed that i get some good news. We have to wait until December before we hear anything tho, so its a long long wait to find out. I had a f2f last March as well and didnt get the job and i was totally gutted so i really hope its not gonna be the same again. good luck to those of u who are still waiting to find out, and those of u who have got interviews coming up! Jillian x x x
hey princess, don´t bee to worried, ´cause i had the same feeling at my interview here in brazil with the recruiters....i left there beeing sure that à didn´t pass....and turns out that im going to disney as a QS F&B o november 28th..HOPE TO MEET YOU THERE....good luck!!! ;D
hey jilly, i wouldnt worry about it i think everyone feels the same i know i did, i was sure i wasnt going to get the job but somehow i managed it and im flying out Dec 5th to work in the UK f&b pavillion. just keep feeling positive and ul be fine, hope it goes well, how come you had yours in florida anyways, i had to travel to london for mine? No doubt il see you soon take care, carla xx
hey princess... dont worry! I have the same feeling, I just had my interview in Germany... and I had the same bad feeling... you know what? everybody got their acceptance email 3 days later- everyone except me!
dont worry jill, we're all worried, just dont let it ruin the time you have left over here, im p***** off cos they said they will give us all a fair chance but they tell the october 9th guys if they have the job or not, (no offence to any oct 9th peeps im not having a go at you, just the lies we've been told)
if you guys dont hear til december does that mean us lot being interviewedon 8/9 nov wont here til december either? im sure u did fine jilly i mean u have the experience and everything they are looking for now!
awwwww, jilly dont worry!!!!! think we'r all feeling a bit nervous now (those who have jst had interviews and those of us who have them in the next 3 weeks!!) i really hope we hear one way or the other before december .... if i dont get the job i need to know ASAP - have to start looking for other jobs! why would they keep us waiting that long??? good luck to every one! ive got my interview on 9th november ..... yikes!!!!!!!!!!! xxx Kerry xxx
well wen we had our interviews in march, they told us 4 weeks,tho people started hearing before that. i think they just give u the longest possible time it will take, and if u hear sooner its a bonus. I kno im not the only person feeling this way, but i also know that this is my last chance to get the job, my mum didnt want me to reapply this time, but because of the way its come around, doing the 2 month program etc she was ok with it, so she deffo wouldnt be happy if i was to reapply again... i really hope i did well, i know i can be a great cast member, coz im doing it right now lol
ah i see,i guess they will tell us how long when im at my interview.... aww,i really hope you get in to do the year long program,i have my fingers crossed for you!!! do you think that being out there will give you an advantage?? they must like you to get you over there for 2 months so im sure it will all work out ok!!!!! x
awwww fantastic!!!!! thats really great news!!!!!! i have my interview next week ....... arghhhhh!!!!! XX
That really is a long time to wait. It's a bit unfair to have to sit there with the constant butterflies in your stomach. (at least that's what I am expecting after my interview) How long does it usually susposed to take them to response back. I'm going for an interview next week (Nov.8th) with possible departure in March. Will they wait until February?? :-[ That would suck! GOOD LUCK to you Jilly! I hope that you get the answer you want soon!
hi,from what iver heard you normally have your f2f interview and then have to wait 2 weeks to hear if you have got a job or not - pretty standard really! i have my interview Nov 9th ..... EEEEEKKKK!!!! xx