hola all. other than my ears, i have my belly pierced and im hoping to get my tongue! so my question is (well two) what do you think about tongue piercings, look good/bad? and although i would be able to take it out while at work and for the interview etc, will it stop be from getting the job anyway because i have to 'declare' it at the phone interview and they might not believe me about being able to remove it?
I don't see it being a problem if you can take it out by the time you get to interviews. There are a lot of peeps over there with facial piercings and they just take them out whilst working
i just hope it wouldnt be a 'disadvantage' for me at the interviews, like put them off as a bad first impression! i know i would probably be fine at work, like taking it out or even put just a bar through it without the ball bits so its invisable!
I am sure it would be fine. One of my friends went to her interview with two lip rings and she got accepted no problem.
Hey I have like my ears pierced a bunch of times, my nose pierced and my tongue pierced and I went to my interview with all of them in so I wouldnt worry about it too much they just made sure I would be able to take them all out when I was working!