As promised, this topic wants to help all of us getting known and make easier say hello! once there!!! ...I'll start... I'm Alessandro, male, 22, from Italy. I'll be there since august 8th. Here I am!
Hi I'm Beth <<<<<<<This is me. I'm female, 21, from the UK and will be arriving on 5th December to do UK merchandise for a year!
HEY ALEX...... Can you perhaps explain to everyone HOW EXACTLY you posted THAT photo?? Have had trouble in here before trying to post a photo!!
Very simple to add photos... in the reply page select "additional options"... then "attach" and add you picture (max 70Kb...better if it is a jpeg..bitmap is too heavy!)
Hi all I'm Charlotte Thats me in the picture 18 on the 12th May (not long!!) From the UK I arrive on the 8th August UK merch here i come!!!!
There's a few pics of me floating around this forum... here's another to add to to bunch! I'll be there June 20th...coming up soon!
Hey peeps that is me on the left, name's Di, 23 from Glasgow, Scotland. UK Merch 12th September, exactly 4 months away!!! ;D