Phone Interview

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by anjefferson, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. anjefferson

    anjefferson New Member

    Hi my phone interview is tomorrow and I was wondering if anyone could give me a hint in the type of questions they ask.

    I am super nervous as I really want to get onto the programme as i love disney and everything about disney...i drive people nuts because of it and even have a nickname due to this.

    Any help would be much appreciated!

    love xx
  2. Kerbear

    Kerbear New Member

    had a hard time reading your post but i think i got it haha..
    if i havent missed the chance to give you enough notice before your interview, here are some of the things we're generally asked (through experience and reading others posts)
    they ask
    -any visible tattoos or piercings? [ best say no ;) ]
    -why do you want to work for disney?
    -how do you feel about living with someone from a different nationality?
    -how do you cope with the heat? 40 degree celcius weather
    -working 6 days a week sometimes 12 hour shifts?
    -do you get along well with others?
    you may get a "if you were in this situation" tricky question.
    all in all just sound enthusiastic about the program but also professional, as if you want this job for the amazing opportunity to learn and the experience. dont just sound like a crazy disney freak ;p (although most of us are on the inside)
  3. anjefferson

    anjefferson New Member



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