Phone interview questions?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 2005CP, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Please-if you can remember, give me any questions you were asked, that way i can do a bit of researchb

    If people ask me to talk about the cultural aspect-well i could talk about the ppeal of the monarchy-particualrly to America (disney is america after all) as a cultural link to the past.I could also talk about our strong links of people and history-ie, people travelling to America-so the cultural links to Britain. Id also stress the cultural power of Britain-its oconic buildings, its literature and lnguage-Shakespeare, Milton, Burns etc. Id also lighten the mood a bt by talking about sport and music

    In technical terms-if someone asks me how i am at living woith other peopl-ill say i regard it as a valuable cultural opportunity-a once in alife time chance to interact with people who you dont meet in your everyday life-id also mention the fact that im good at practical things-ie, tidying up, respecting other peoples space when necessary. In work,ive got good adminstrative and problem solving skills-cash handling, stock maintainence etc.

    Does this sound OK-will i make it through the phone interview in once piece
  2. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    I'm in Canada and it sounds like you're ready for the interview. They definately asked me about living with roomates and conflicts and how I would handle them (nothing really specific, just how would you handle conflicts). I also just posted some of the questions I got in the 6 Month Program thread so go check that out. Good Luck.
  3. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    u should make sure u learn some facts about ur home town as well as the country. try to push the uniqueness f where ur from - they can get a hundred people applying talking about popular sights in the uk - but for the cultural aspect they want to know about your hometown and what u can tell people about that

    they also asked us questions on dealing with complaints/dissatisfied customers

    why we wanted to work for disney

    what we could bring to disney - life skills/customer service skills etc

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