Phone interview email

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 2005CP, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Alexis has just sent me the foillowing email

    HI Anthony

    We will be contacting you soon to arrange a telephone interview in order to
    proceed with your application for CRP this year.

    Kind regards


    Yummy Jobs
    The Georgian Village
    Unit 5, 100 Wood Street
    London E17 3HX

    Tel: +44 (0)20 8521 9615

    What will they ask, i did the summer programme 18 months ago and didnt need to do one?
  2. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member


    congratulations!!!!!!! I haven't heard anything yet, getting a bit stressed out now! lol!!!

    They just ask general stuff and then things like what you can bring to the program, what cultural stuff can you tell guest about where you come from, that sort of thing.

    Its pretty straight forward.

    A xx
  3. Emi

    Emi New Member

    I got mine the other day too and my phone interview in on Tuesday.

    I'm kind of drawing a blank on what to tell them about my culture and heratige. I keep thinking of stuff but think its going to be something they've already heard a million times. :(
  4. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    it doesnt matter if they have heard it a million times before, its your conviction and how you come across not just what the content of what you are saying.

    A lot of things come across through how you say things, if you believe in what you are doing and really want to do the program it will come across. Don't worry about it, i'm sure you will do fine.

    A xx

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