Phone Interview/ Does being a Disney Store CM help?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney_spice, Oct 21, 2005.

  1. disney_spice

    disney_spice Member

    hi there!
    Alexis rang today! Phone call on Monday! :D

    Any hints?
    Do i need to research into my town or...?!


  2. ~*Ash*~

    ~*Ash*~ New Member

    Hi Gemma!

    Finger crossed for ur interview.. keep smiling!

    Just out of nebbiness when did u put in your CV? (if u dont mind me asking!)

    Ash x
  3. disney_spice

    disney_spice Member

    October 7th!

    Ive got the smiling bit sussed... its the rest thats scarin me!

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