people in the UK applying for summer 2010

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by yay-disney, Sep 5, 2009.

  1. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    ok people, lil bit confused about the interviews. i have been on some of the discussions and some people are already getting interviews and what have you but im not sure if any of them are people from the UK.
    Has any one from the Uk heard from yummy jobs yet about the next stage! also if we dont make it to interviews do they tell us or do we just have to work it out when everyone else gets excited about their interviews?
  2. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    No UK will be told yet, it will be over a week before we hear anythin yet. Also they tell you what is happening at each stage, if you have made it and if you have not. No worries, you will be informed.
  3. iain89uk

    iain89uk New Member

    Will it be that soon?! I applied a couple of weeks ago and wasn't expecting to hear anything for a month or so. How do you find out if you're getting the phone interview? Do you need to keep checking the Yummy Jobs website?
  4. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Well this is a different process than last year, the website wasnt like this, we did everything through email. I would assume they are still informing us about it all through email, but no harm in keeping a look out on the site itself.
  5. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    i hate it when they change things around! hopefully the website means there will be less mistakes because i heard of a lot of people last year and in previous years were their applications have been misplaced.

  6. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    i just want to know so bad if i have got a phone interview or not the wait is killing me!!!!
  7. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    well the wait is over, they have informed everyone, yay! i got a phone interview! :D
  8. hevzzz

    hevzzz New Member

    i've got a phone interview too :) x
  9. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

  10. RSH01

    RSH01 New Member

    Yeooo! Hi there.
    I've just discovered this website! Its amazin! lol. Its helps to answer some of the thousands of questions I have about the program.
    Well.... I've applied for Summer 2010. Just waiting to hear a date for the phone interview. Whats everyone elses position on this?
  11. hannah89

    hannah89 New Member

    I'm the same, waiting to hear about a date for the phone interview ;D
  12. Si-Keo

    Si-Keo New Member

    I think everyone is waiting to hear about dates for phone interviews. I have had the email saying they will contact you within the next 2 weeks to arrange a date and time. I want to pick one of the earlier times again so that it's over and done with!
    I applied for the CRP last year and the phone interview I was so nervous!! But this time I know Its not as scary as it seems!
  13. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    oooo nooo iv not had any form of email about interviews or anythin yet :eek: do u think thats bad?? Iv emailed someone so hopefull they will get back to me soonish-kinda freaking out now want to go sooo bad its unreal !!!
  14. RSH01

    RSH01 New Member

    No i think you'll be grand. Everyones hearing different things at the moment.
    I think there might be a second bunch of phone inetrviews in january - but im not sure!
    Fingers and toes crossed u'l hear soon!
  15. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    yea hopefully :D i applied ages ago as well seriously excited :D:D:D
  16. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    Two weeks is far too long to wait. we have already been waiting soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long. MEH!!!
  17. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    last year there was a 2nd round of interviews because i couldnt get to the ones in November (2008) because of uni assessment days so they said it was fine i could go to the f2f interviews in march (2009) they had their 2nd lot of phone interviews in January 09 in time for the March 09 interviews....last week of February i got a phone call (unexpected) from Yummy to say that Disney had finished recruitment for the Summer and therefor the March interviews were cancelled.
    So dont wait around for the second lot because of recession and stuff they may not got thru...

  18. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    yea thats exactly what happened to me last year although i applied in dec so i was pretty late was sooo gutted when they got cancelled so applied nice and early this year!!!! :D:D
  19. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    i couldnt believe it i was totally gutted i knew i should have skipped something at uni to go to one of the earlier interviews (but then i would have failed the not actually possible but still! horrible!
  20. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    thats pretty horrid well i hope you can make it to them this time round. x

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