People coming out to visit!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by pinksparkles2, Feb 7, 2010.

  1. pinksparkles2

    pinksparkles2 New Member

    This is more for my boyfriends benefit, he's coming out to visit for two weeks in July, which I am very much excited about! And of course so is he :) But obviously I'm going to be working all day most days.. so he's going to have to entertain himself!
    Anyone thats been before have any suggestions of things for people that are alone to do during the day, or where to meet other young travelers etc?! Or anyone else having people on their own coming out that he could buddy up with? :p
    I'm sure he'll find PLENTY to do, but I'm scared that he's paying this much to come and see me and he'll be all lonely a lot of the time! :/
    Also, on average how many days off a week are there?! So I can tell him how often I can actually spend the day with him! (I'm on Quick Service F&B!)
  2. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    You can book days off. When my boyfriend came to see me, I booked off all but one day, because one day of work is really all I needed to pay rent for the week. On your own though, Disney is always fun!
  3. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    depending on your shifts you'll be able to explore the parks with him and then go to work. Or just give your shifts away!! You'll easily be able to spend time with him :D
  4. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    When I worked merchandise in MK the vast majority of my shifts were from 6pm until the early hours so I could spend all day with my friends in the parks and then go to work :D And there are always people who will want overtime :)
  5. pinksparkles2

    pinksparkles2 New Member

    No way, I was totally assuming that I wouldn't be allowed to request certain days off! I take it there's a limit to how much time you can book off?! My family are also coming out for two weeks at a different time so I'll have to divide my days off equally. But that's really good news :) Thanks guys!
  6. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    you can request days off and hope they get accepted, but it's easier to just give shifts away once they've been allocated. At Tower we had a board that you could write the shifts you were giving away each week - a lot of the part-timers and seasonal staff are desperate for shifts so you can pretty much always find someone to give your shifts to. Just work a shift or two to cover rent and you'll be fine :-D
  7. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    I'm getting my bf to come over when i finish, that way we can spend all day and night together and i dont have to get that ergh i have work tomorow feeling =]

    but thats really good we can get days off and give away shifts =P x
  8. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    yeah my family came over when I finished last year, it was really fun to just be on holiday with them - they arrived a few days before I finished so they could see me in my cool costume though :-D

    I can't decide where I'm going to travel this year, I'm getting so excited looking at hotels!!
  9. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Days off requests aren't always accepted... if you're in MK you'll most likely be working late shifts anyways with QS F&B - you can swap shifts with people as well, as long as it doesn't put them into overtime!
    And I'm sure some of you're new friends won't mind spending some time with your bf - you meet people everywhere who tag along!
    It will be hard to get time off around the 4th July though - most people are working such long hours that week that they would be in overtime if they had any more... scheduling take a dim view of that :(
  10. neevyweevy

    neevyweevy New Member

    I was in MK merch and i tried to request days off when my family were visiting and i was told that as a CP, you can't request days off. I was able to give away or swap most of my shifts, there are always people looking for extra hours!
  11. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I could request days off - the Hub people never let me, but my manager went over them and gave me the extra day of each week when my parents were there. He would have given me extra days off, but I only had short shifts so I didn't really mind.
    I don't know what it will be like this summer - it will depend on your manager!
  12. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    I had a couple of requests on the hub accepted, but I usually just gave my shifts away because it's easier!! There are lots of dates CPs can't request off over the summer so you're best bet is to give them away, or talk to a manager - they're pretty good about stuff like that :)
  13. pinksparkles2

    pinksparkles2 New Member

    Okay cool. He purposely isnt coming for July 4th because of the crowds and prices etc, so I wont need to request time off then! So how do you go about giving away shifts? Is there forms you fill in or something?! I wont be able to take tooo much time off at once because for about 4 weeks straight I've got visitors, I'll have to spread it over the whole time.
  14. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    On the Hub there's a spot where you can put your shifts "up for sale" persay, and then you just have to keep checking to see if they get taken. Or you can tell your managers, or your coworkers. If you can get chummy with the people that are about the same age as us, but aren't CPs, they're usually a good place to unload shifts because their expenses are higher than ours and they're not guaranteed 35+ hours a week like us.
  15. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    If you can find a co-worker to take your shift all you need to do is take their Hub ID and fill in a form online - it's really quick and simple. That's what I did a few times so I could have a mini holiday at the Polynesian, which I fully intend to do again!! People used to write on the board if they were looking to pick up shifts on certain days and leave a mobile number so you could sort it out :D
  16. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    The polynesian is lush ;D

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