
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Peever, Mar 23, 2009.

  1. Peever

    Peever New Member

    I feel the need to post this as it shows how ignorant Americans can truely be. I am disgusted by the fact that not only was this played but by the fact that Americans STILL to this day think we are a helpless country. PEople need to get their heads out of their assess.

    As a result the people have apologized (not that anyone really takes it seriously) and I beleive there is talk of firing these people. Good ridence.
  2. Frenpie

    Frenpie New Member

    I think this say it all...

    "What is the United Kingdom? I don`t know." Makes you wonder what they teach in schools in he US.

    And just so that the americans know, OF COURSE we (the norwegians) would use a weakened Canada to invade! It`s been a plan of ours all the way since they came up with the slogan Stop the norwegians! in Minnesota. Bastards!
  3. Peever

    Peever New Member

    Yes there are many of those videos about americans giving stupid answers I could post. Youtube Rick Mercier. He has several. Just really bothers me that peopl think this way.

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