
Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by glamkay, Oct 27, 2008.

  1. glamkay

    glamkay New Member

    Hello Disney hopefulls :)
    I was just wondering if any of you are having trouble with your parents, I mean all of us wanting to go to Florida (and it being quite quite far for some of us). Because I haven't told my parents about the application and I am expecting a bad reaction to it lol. How did you deal with this situation? Maybe you can help me be better prepared hehehehe.
  2. ariella

    ariella New Member

    Well my family was excited when I applied and made it to the face 2 face but now their starting to realize this might cost some money lol! So I've had some comments about how much this is going to cost. I haven't even bothered to tell my dad because I know he'll just be more about the money aspect of it than of how huge of an opportunity this is.

    I hope things go well when you tell your parents! I mean it is a once in a lifetime opportunity so I hope they can be excited for you!
  3. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    Same here. My mum was wanting to make sure i wanted to do it for teh right reasons and be one hundred percent. she did nag and i ended up snapping to her that i wanted to do it and i know i wont come back with any money. now she is ok, i keep her informed of every step that happens. my dad wants me to go for it with all my heart, he says its an once in a lifetime opportunity that i cant miss.

    my parents were there when i asked on holiday last year, so they knew already i was thinking about it. i was hoping to go out for longer but that wasnt possibile. they are now behind me. you may get some resistance but i would tell them sooner rather than later cos they may be hurt not to be included. once they realise that it is what you really want to do they willsupport you.

    i hope this has helped.
  4. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Well i told my parents in Feb a long while before i had applied, so they knew well in advance. I have not had any immediate issues except the money side of things, it is going to cost a fortune and i need to keep saving constantly. My dad says he may even help me apply for a credit card for going, just for extreme emergencies, but i dont know how they are fully reacting to it. I think i will see a big reaction if i get in. They have kindly agreed to pay for my flight.

    I would have to agree, you cannot leave it for much longer, you must tell them, it would be best without a massive out roar. Do you think they would really react badly to it?
  5. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    my parents unfortunately cant help atm with paying but i know that they will help with little things which is great. money will always be the issue but if you tell them you have a plan there should be nothing to worry about.
  6. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    I dont have a plan, i am useless with money. That is why having a credit card would be a mega downfall for me.
  7. glamkay

    glamkay New Member

    I don't think the money is going to be too much of an issue because I intend to pay for the whole thing. It's just the idea of me being gone for the whole summer so far away and everything. My parents are quite overprotective (even though I must admit they aren't as bad as they used to be). But then again, maybe they won't flip out as much for the application. Maybe they'll flip out more if I get accepted (like you said Leom hehehe).
    We'll see what happens. Keep your fingers crossed for me! :)
  8. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Ye, my mum and dad can be very protective of me, but i dont know how they would fully react!

    My plan of how much i hope to have is not on track! I hope people are generous at christmas!
  9. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    my mum got empty nest syndrome when i went to uni, she's gonna get it when i go for the summer, but she gets through it. she gets used to me gone then im back!

    i think they would prefer to know about the application process. rather than you just turning round saying, im going to wdw for the summer.

    i barely get anything from relatives. im working at mcdonalds which will be the majority of the money.
  10. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    I hope i get lots of hours at christmas!
  11. anijac1412

    anijac1412 New Member

    Hey glamkay!

    I was/am in the same boat as you :) I spoke about it casually with my parents fore I applied, but it was so casual that they didn't think i was really serious about it. When I told them I actually applied, and later that I've been invited to the face to face interview, they were extremely surprised. My parents are like yours with the protectiveness. I've been away from home a few times, but those few times I ended up staying with extended family members. So this is a huge shock for them indeed. Like you, it's not only about the money or money-making aspect, it's more about being long distance in a different country with NO ONE there that you know.

    At first they were totally 100% against it and think I am nuts for leaving for two months, especially when, with the job i would have next summer, I could make $4000 easily in 2 months (which is what I did this summer... $2000/month for 4 months... but trust me that disappears quick with the price of tuition here :\). There is also the fact that I could have taken summer classes and gotten ahead with my degree... But I do know what I'm sacrificing and am willing to do so, because I want this with all my heart, and i feel I am very much ready to do it. And I think they are starting to realize that. Although my dad is still iffy on the subject...

    Don't worry, although they might be totally 100% against it at first, if you have a "plan" of your own to make it happen, and if you can show them you are doing this all at your own expense, they will see how much you must really want it, and eventually they will learn to accept it. :)
  12. glamkay

    glamkay New Member

    My goodness anijac1412 most of the things you said there is almost exactly how I feel lol. And how the parental authorities are going to react hehehehe.
  13. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Wow i have to say, anijac1412, that is an amazing outlook of the situation. And what job did you do to earn that much?

    I am going to be in a completely different continent which is very scary when i think about it cause there is no easy access to get home without a very long and expensive flight, eek!

    Tell is when you are going to tell them and how they react, but i do not see why they would be annoyed or angry if it is your dream and you really want to do it. they may surprise you!
  14. glamkay

    glamkay New Member

    I work as a bank teller and the pay isn't too shabby if I may say so... so if I do go at least I can convince my parents that money won't be an issue... although I'll probably come back home with no money and a million things that have a mickey logo hehehehe.
  15. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

    I'm on the other side of the wall.

    My parents couldnt be more supportive. In fact, I'd even say that my mum was the one who spurred me into thinking about applying and if they had a job she could do, she'd be there in a shot.

    As odd as it sounds, It wasnt until I was 16 that I realised that people actually worked for Disney...when we where sitting on a bus at Downtown Disney and my mum said to me that I could work for Disney, but that it was going to be hard work. She's always the first person I call when I get through interview stages and stuff. She's the one I recently had a moan to about the Graduate program. She's the one already planning her summer holiday to visit.

    Although I would call my dad protective (he still waits up for me to get home at night), he understands that I need to get out there more and as long as I check in with them once in a while, he's alright with me going off to do my own thing. They managed to cope with me travelling over the Australian outback on my own, so I think Disney should be a walk in the park.

    The last time I was out there, it really helped my confidence and I think that my parents saw that. When they spoke to me it was never for long as I was always just about to go out, or go to work or do something. Although I'm not the shyest person in the world, I do lack a bit of confidence and I did prove to myself that I could cope with being away and have a great time surrounded by people I had never met before. I'm a homebody at heart though, my family mean the world to me, and it was great to be able to go away and not be really home sick.

    On the money front - I'm working at the moment (though not often) and I'm also looking for an extra christmas job so money shouldnt be too much of a problem. I know that if I really needed it, i'd be able to ask for it. I'm hoping I wont have to though. I'm quite good with money normally and I'm sure that by the summer, I'll have enough saved up to do what I want to do and not have to panic about it.
  16. anijac1412

    anijac1412 New Member

    @ Leom: I work for the government here in Canada... The Canadians here would probably know what i'm talking about with regards to how "easy" it can be to get in. ;) They have great jobs for students that pay pretty well. I was lucky enough to find something related to my field of study; I was/am a Website coordinator for my department.

    For the rest of you Canadians who are interested, I applied through FSWEP (just Google it!) :)

    @ Mhairi: That is so awesome! I can seem pretty shy as well but I also open up pretty quick. But I think it would also depend on my situation or who I'm with. If I'm in a huge office meeting with a bunch of head managers who are all 15-20 years older than me, it's clear I'm going to feel a bit intimidated and be a little shy. But if I'm at Disney World, where the entire place is a stage and you're IN the show, well you kind of HAVE to open up. You're pretty much playing a role which forces you to open up and show what you can truly be. :D

    @ glamkay: I'm glad we share the same feelings on the situation! It's always good to know you're not the only one! :)

    Wow I've been typing up the longest posts lately lol!
  17. AndyFromDonny

    AndyFromDonny New Member

    My parents were positive and said whatever I want to do they'll support. I got a lot of money for my 21st last week so that's gone in my ISA and been kept there to be used for anything I need.

    I've been clever with money. Bought my dollars for holiday at 2 dollars to the pound, it's now way worse for us than this. I had a load left over so rather than change them I've just kept them so that'll keep me going a while if I get the job, if I don't end up in America I exchange them and still make a profit.
  18. mint

    mint New Member

    @ Anjiac: haha YES oh gosh ever since I've been in Canada I've been ridiculously impressed by how much every job pays here. it makes working back home look like slave labour :(

    I think my parents are pretty used to me doing things randomly now, what with me being on the other side of the earth for most of a year ... haha like someone said, they got used to me leaving the nest already. But my parents have been really supportive so far regarding the Disney journey (helps that they know I love Disney), and on my part I'm also getting a job so that I can pay for my plane tickets and stuff to Florida because this is something I want to do on my own and chose to do so. And also the bigger issue here is the fact that I won't be making crazy money with my current job and the lack of summer school - but I'm going to be graduating soon, and I kind of want to leave this whole stage behind having done something amazing.

    @ glamkay: I've realised that with most parents it comes down to just showing them your enthusiasm and how much you're prepared to do/desperately want this thing. It took me a year to convince my parents to let me leave home and go to university halfway across the world, I did like crazy research to show them how much I wanted it and in the end they just couldn't really help but be supportive :p I really hope it works out for you though (and everyone else in the same position!!)

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