own condos

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by sweetdfergie, May 28, 2007.

  1. sweetdfergie

    sweetdfergie New Member


    do you think they will ever offer that option when going to work there ?. I personally would rather have my own place , im very independant though i really like it that way . also does anyone know of anyone getting there own place while there?:)
  2. nixon

    nixon New Member

    I heard about some who rent some but they have to pay also the commons week fee..
    They R in Kissimee.
    see ya
  3. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I think if your international..If you sign up for the housing contract at the start, then you have 2 pay it for the full time your there..

    I would also say it'd be alot lot more costly to get your own place..Either getting taxi's all the time or buying a car..

    Especially when you can just get a free bus from all the accomodations..
  4. flashinghelmet

    flashinghelmet New Member

    personally, id question why you were on the programme. cos being with other people is part of the experience. that is one of the reasons they have international workers; so people can meet, interact and learn from other cultures.

    It isnt just a job, and i think living on your own away from the accommodation blocks would ruin the experience completely.
  5. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah, well said..

    I wouldn't be going to disney if i wasn't staying in disney accomodation..Its what makes the experience so amazing..

    Not just living with different sorts of people from different cultures..But meeting new people, on the bus to work, at work, around the accomodation, at the pool and at the many pool parties disney throws!

    It just makes the experience what it is..
  6. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    I don't think the buying/selling process of a condo here would be the cheapest! There is also the whole taxi/buying a car to get to work, but you wouldn't be allowed on the transportation busses to and from the aprtments and work!
  7. sweetdfergie

    sweetdfergie New Member


    i was just wondering if anyones ever rented there own apt , nothing against the whole experience its just my preference .
  8. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    few people have/do, and as you mentioned you still end up paying double rent (thus you end up turning about 140 a week if you're not being tipped, on some weeks more in peak seasons), plus I have heard if security sees your area of the room is not lived in you can be termed.

    So you probably can but it's a lot more hassle then it's worth. Believe me I'd love to have my own bedroom but it's not worth the time/money/effort for me to even being to see how that would happen.
  9. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I can see where your coming from by asking..

    But i wouldn't advise it at all..Like jorden just said its not really worth all that effort and money etc..

    I really wouldn't like to do it, at first i worried about sharing a room with people and all living under each others feet..But i found this is probably one of the best things about the program..
  10. LukeW

    LukeW New Member

    Yeah, these jobs are all about the experience. It's not like we get a lot of money from doing it, even less so if you're paying double rent.

    I suggest just rolling with it and maybe you'll enjoy the experience and it could open up new ways of life for you.
  11. sweetdfergie

    sweetdfergie New Member


    im a very open minded person i just get alittle clostophobic when i have to share such a tight space for such a long time . thought it would be just as amazing experience getting my own place i still would get to work at the most magical place on earth:)
    thanks for all your feedback though ttyl

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