OVER 21s on the Summer Program!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by LukeW, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. LukeW

    LukeW New Member

    I was just wondering if any of the people here that are over 21 want to get chatting or owt as we're likely to be living in the same buildings and everything.

    I'm 22 by the way and I'll be going on the June 24th, 12:45 flight.
  2. rachet

    rachet New Member

    already replied to this on the facebook group, so i have no idea why I'm doing it again...but I'm 21! :)
  3. LukeW

    LukeW New Member

    I'm not alone!
    Do I have you added as a friend on Facebook/MSN?
    I'm feeling a bit better now I'm meeting people who are over 21 on our flight.

    EDIT: Ah, I just noticed you're not actually on my flight. I'm sure we'll see each other over there anyway.

    Does anyone know what apartment blocks the over 21s are more likely to be in?
  4. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Either vista or chatham..

    Hopefully vista..But chathams good really..I think it just looks bad compared to vista! haha..
  5. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Do they not have over 21s at Treehouses?
  6. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah, but i don't want to put the worse case scenario out there! haha ;D
  7. LukeW

    LukeW New Member

    Haha, what's so bad about the treehouses?
  8. rachet

    rachet New Member

    sounds like the only problem is transport, as in there isnt any to the parks other than MK. am i right johnboy?
  9. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah..the buses only go to magic kingdom and walmart as far as i know..I've only been there once and it was on the way back from walmart one day..

    It looks really scruffy i think, although i think i'd get used to it if i lived there..Apparently tho people have a really wild and mint time..It sounds like vista on a smaller scale really..I think it would really bother me living there because of the transport problem, but if that wasn't so bad then i probably wouldn't mind it as much..

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