Other Job Offers?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Mom of an Applicant, Mar 13, 2006.

  1. Mom of an Applicant

    Mom of an Applicant New Member

    Has anyone been in the position of having a job offered for the summer while you are waiting to hear from Disney? It's looking like a couple of other opportunities might be offered prior to the March 27 deadline. Any suggestions as to how to handle this? BTW, anything else would be a 'Plan B' to working at Disney! :)
  2. Emily

    Emily New Member

    Hello Mom of Applicant,

    I have actually been offered a full time job as a front desk agent out in Banff Alberta. They want to hear by March 23, but I might not hear from Disney until March 27th. I spoke to the lady who would be hiring me and told her my situation. She was very understanding and said I could have until the 27th to let her know if I want the job. I told her Disney is only a year long program and I would probably return after the year and go and take that job. If you just explain that it is a year long program usually that makes them feel a little better. I don't know if this will work for your child, but it did for me!

  3. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    Take the job.


    1) You will hear your results in two weeks...it will probably take that long to get you in and training anyways, so you can always change your mind.
    2) Unless you are on the summer program (and even then you wouldn't leave before May), you'll have plenty of time to work before you go and any extra money is great.
    3) Things can change...dates can change. Having a back up plan is always nice.

    When I went, I found out I had the year long job in January, but got offered a job to start beginning of March and I took it. I just didn't let on that I was going until I gave my notice a good 6-8 weeks early, so they had plenty of time to replace me. I didn't leave until the beginning of August, so I had a good 5 months of work which gave me loads of time to save money AND buy a new laptop and digital video camera to take down with me. As much as I loved my job, there was NO THOUGHT in my head of ever staying at it and not going to Florida.

    Just make sure it isn't a job you would like to do forever, and even if it is, do your best not to screw them over.

  4. martitha81

    martitha81 New Member

    I'm sorta in the same situation. I haven't received any job offers other than Disney, and I'm waiting to have my phone interview (which are being done during all the month of March) and face 2 face in the beginning of April. Either way I'm applying to some other jobs that interest me, but I still want to go to Disney. So if they come to offer me another job, I will not know what to do if I'm still in the "waiting game". Though decision....
  5. Mom of an Applicant

    Mom of an Applicant New Member

    My daughter is hoping for the summer placement program which would start mid-May. Any other summer job here would probably start May 1st. I guess being upfront and stating the fact that she's waiting to hear from Disney isn't a bad idea.
  6. Well whats the job? Because I would say it depends on that...
    Wait for Disney because if you had to pass that up you'd regret it forever.
    But depending on what the summer job is, you could ust accept it (not tell them about Disney) and then just say sorry I can't work this summer if you get Disney.
    But most employers do NOT like to hear you're working another job or applying for one, so I'd hold off telling them as long as you can.
    Good luck!
  7. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon Guest

    Princess Tessa is right. I had to turn it down a few year ago due to family reasons and it was horrible. But I have my F2F on monday so fingers crosed.

    PS anyone who wants to chat on msn im gernon@hotmail.com
  8. hey gingerbeacon I added you to my MSN :)
    That sucks you had to turn it down, but great you're going for it again!

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