One year Bage

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by gingerbeacon, Mar 12, 2006.

  1. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon Guest

    Okay so quick question. If I get the job do I get a one year badge at the end??? I worked in disneyland paris for 10 monnths so I just missed out.
  2. Colin

    Colin Member

    I thought the first one in Paris was 5 years, the little brass one that goes on your name badge???

    Where did you work in Paris? I'm a regular with AP Dream and Shareholders club member :)

  3. Ona

    Ona Member

    Alas, no. :(

    The contracts are actually for 51 weeks, not 52. So everyone just misses out. The only way to get your year pin is to extend. I extended by a month so I got mine. ;D

    Ona x
  4. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon Guest

    No the first one is a year. Lots of my mates had them. Im trying to set up a forum for DLP at the moment. It empty at the mo cause I only set it up yesterday.

    If I get the job will beg to extend. I want a one year badge soooo bad.
  5. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    Everyone at the German pavillion got an one year pin. ;D Don't ask me why?
  6. Dougslar

    Dougslar New Member

    I'm pretty sure everyone got a year badge when I was there. I definitely did because I extended for 2 months. But I'm sure everyone else did too even if their contract was a week short. I also got one on the ship and I was technically 2 weeks short of a full year. ;D

    Laura. ::)
  7. All this talk of extending your contract - I didn't know that was possible! Because I would love more than anything to extend mine 3 months longer.
  8. Ona

    Ona Member

    WOW! Really! Are you guys serious? :eek: I know ALOT of folks who'll be severly PO'd about that. :eek:

    In my time there noone except folks with extensions got a year pin with the excuse that it had to be a full year. ??? :eek: Me thinks UK got screwed there. :-\ :'(

    Tessa, technically you can extend (or shorten) by anything up to 3 months. But it's not guaranteed, by any stretch of the imagination. It all depends on business needs (not to mention also, the particular CM involved ;) ). In my time there I can only think of 4 Uk merchies who extended. I only got mine since another CM shortened.

    Man, folks are gonna go mad when I tell them about those pins. ::)

    Ona x
  9. soleil plage

    soleil plage Guest

    When I left towards the end of 2002, everyone who completed the 12 month IP (or should i say 51 week IP program! ) got a 1 year pin... oooh how times have changed eh?
  10. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    I am severely PO'd by that! I begged to stay a week, but alas, no. I was especially mad because I'd been working for the company for 5 months before and they were supposed to be bridging everything so that I'd have my benefits and stuff start right when I got there, but they never did it and I could never get it sorted. So mad.

  11. Dougslar

    Dougslar New Member

    Tessa: I only got to extend as Ona said because of business requirements. At the time when I was due to leave, they needed people because of terminations and people leaving early and somehow they had messed up the recruitment at the time as UK Merch didn't get any new people for over 6 months!!! Me and another guy got to extend by about 2 months. ;D

    Ona: You guys seriously didn't get year pins unless you extended! ??? As Claire said everyone when we were there got one as long as they graduated. As I said I even got one on the ship and I wasn't quite there a year! They even gave it to me in the January and I didn't start until the February before! In fact I didn't actually get on the ship until March!!!! :p

    Maybe they're trying to cut costs these days!!! I'll sell one of mine for a price!!!!

  12. Ona

    Ona Member

    Oh Laura you'd get a good price for that on ebay! ;D Like gold dust those pins! ;D Trainer pins too. ;)

    Okay so 2003 -2004 UK & Canada didn't get pins but Germany did? ??? ??? ??? What about other countries? Anyone want to fill us in. :-\

    What about more recently? ???

    Ona x
  13. Dougslar

    Dougslar New Member

    I have one of those trainer pins from the ship too! Could make myself a fortune!!!! ;)
  14. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon Guest

  15. EvilQueen

    EvilQueen New Member

    It seems a little more common to extend these days... at least in Canada. A couple people extended in December and another handful for March are extending. Only one person that I know of had their extension denied for March. My plan is to extend for at least for a month. We'll see how I feel come June.

    It seems as though pins differ from pavilion to pavilion. I believe that when my friend was here in 2001, people got their 1 yr pin. Now, I'm pretty sure that that no one gets them... at least in Canada.

    Sandra :)
  16. Shrooden

    Shrooden New Member

    My leaving group in July 2003 were the last group who were officially allowed to have their 1 year pins without extending, I know my manager had a little surplus supply of them and I believe he gave them out until there were none. I extended by 10 weeks so I was eligible anyway, although as Ona said it is heavily depemdant on the business needs. You could be the best cast member there but id they had overstaff you would not get an extention.Prime example of that from anyone who remembers was a UK Merchie called Jonathan. He managed to claw a couple of week by week extentions but when they reached a point of no understaffing, his time was done and he had to go- yet he was a fabulous cast member.

    Although as Ona said you can extend for up to 3 months this is also visa dependant on how long you had your visa before you flew out. The international office actually took my pasport from me and had a one month entention added to it. The pavilion was very short on people so it made sence for them to do it, although I don't know anyone else whom this happened too.

    Finally, extending your contract isn't always what it's cracked up to be. Remember the people you will probably be closest too will be your arrival group and to see them all leave is very strange. Just remember that because although I don't regret my contract entention, there were times when I remember questioning whether I had done the right thing.
  17. Ona

    Ona Member

    Simon, that is so true. Although I 100% don't regret extending, it was difficult at times. :-\ One night particularly comes to mind; the night my arrival group threw out. Now the folks who were actually throwing out, I wasn't particularly close to, but it just highlighted how everything was changing. I was the only one left who knew certain people or certain events. I got that feeling of being a bit of a relic. :-\ :D

    Also, watching your close friends leave one by one and knowing your still gonna be there isn't easy either. :-\

    Ona x
  18. Marie

    Marie Guest

    I got asked to extend... im staying till end of august now im so excited - im so lucky! In UK merch we get one year pins only if we extend. One of the guys i work with got his last week!

  19. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    Maries right, the case right now is that you dont get your year pin unless you extend.

    I finished my contract last week and as it was only a 51 week contract i didnt get the pin - pretty annoyed about that actually. I couldnt have extended even if Id wanted to (not that I did!!!) because UK foods is so ridiculously overstaffed right now - three of my group applied to extend and all got turned down.

    Would have been even more mad though if other countries had got their year pin - Im pretty sure none of the countries who left with me got theirs - anyone know of anything different?

    Michelle xx
  20. AlexHope

    AlexHope New Member

    I'm Alex...I'm going to Florida in a couple of months...
    ...I've got a question for you all..I read that there's the chance to extend your staying there from 51 to 52 weeks... did you manage to do this??
    I'd like to work there almost if you know any way to stay there as long as possibile please let me know!!!
    Thank you...

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