OMG Phone interview already! :D

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by Sweet Emotion, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. So, I just opened my emails and I have an email from kristen from yummy jobs, it's only been 3 and a bit weeks since I applied, didn't expect to hear back so soon. I haven't even opened the email yet because I'm way too happy right now that I even got an email lol :D
  2. Carissa_93

    Carissa_93 New Member

    Ahhh you're so lucky! I haven't gotten my official "you have a phone interview" email yet (although it's supposed to come in the next 3 weeks) but still!!! Is your phone interview soon? Now I'm worried that mine will be soon because I haven't gotten a chance to really prepare for it yet. Well good for you, I'm so jealous!!!
  3. banable

    banable New Member

    OMG!! I just checked my emails and I have one from Hannah @ Yummy Jobs saying I have a phone interview!!!!! I just spilt my drink all over the floor because I was so exacited!!! The options arent until October though which is so long away!!!!
  4. MXP997

    MXP997 New Member

    Congrats everyone! I got an email too! So happy! Yeah, the times for the phone interview are all the way in October, but it's nice that they've given us plenty of time to prepare! Good luck everyone! :)
  5. vickiw001

    vickiw001 Member

    Just got my e-mail as well, I was walking into uni at the time :) sooo excited :D :D :D
  6. DisneySpike

    DisneySpike New Member

    I've had my interview already I think they're doing alumni canadians first. But it's super easy don't even worry abou it. They'll just make sure you're okay with long hours, hot weather, living with people from different countries etc.
  7. Carissa_93

    Carissa_93 New Member

    Wait what? So it's not just UK people having their phone interviews now? Now I'm really nervous about having enough time to prepare, I really hope my interview is still a couple of weeks away!
  8. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    yay me too but i got 2 emails one form Michele and one from Hannah and theyre both has a presentation and fact sheet in.. anyway congratulations everyone :D
  9. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Ahh i can see rent has gone up since 2010 but wage hasnt haha
  10. banable

    banable New Member

    Congratz Everyone!!!!!
  11. sandnsun

    sandnsun New Member

    do they tell u the eaxct date of phone interview or give u like a few to chose from?
  12. The first option is the 10th right through to the 27th of october with a few dates unavailable and then theres tons of options for times.
  13. ianwarn

    ianwarn New Member

    Selected my date and time today! How exciting! Any idea what we need to do to prepare? I have no idea what they expect!
  14. Carissa_93

    Carissa_93 New Member

    If you look around these boards, there are a lot of posts where people have said what they were asked in other years. Some common questions:
    Why do you want to work at Walt Disney World?/Why do you want to do this program?
    What do you think of sharing an apartment with (some number) people from all over the world?/Do you get along well with others?
    How will you handle working 10+ hour shifts in the hot Florida weather?
    Then they might ask you a few other questions, like who is your favourite Disney character and why, that sort of thing.
    They'll also ask some questions about if you have a passport, if you have any tattoos or piercings, and what start date you would prefer.
    It is only around 10 minutes long and the questions aren't extremely difficult. The main thing that they're looking for in this part of the interview is your personality, so smile because it will affect how your voice sounds, sound enthusiastic (while still sounding professional at the same time, don't be like "OMG DISNEY IS SO AWESOME!!!!"). Basically, speak the way you think an ideal Cast Member would speak.
  15. MakingItObvious

    MakingItObvious New Member

    Just checked my emails and found an email telling me I have a phone interview :D
  16. shaunamufc7

    shaunamufc7 Member

    I have just received an email from Nick at Yummy Jobs saying they have received my application and they are going to be at my university on 11th October for presentations and interviews if you want one.

    I am a bit confused about the interviews part of it because I haven't received an email saying I've got a phone interview. Why would I have a face to face interview if I haven't had a phone interview.

    Is anyone is the same situation as me?
  17. ianwarn

    ianwarn New Member

    Hmmmm that is odd! Maybe if they are at your uni they will just talk to you face to face rather than over the phone? More likely to get a chance to go to the london interviews that way I think!
  18. Linzee

    Linzee New Member

    Yummy have certain universities that they go to every year to recruit and therefore if you attend one of those they invite you to one of the information sessions (which are really fun, and get you crazy excited). After the presentation they split you into groups for your interviews afterwards, it's the same stage as a phone interview, so don't worry hundreds of people will be in the same situation :)
  19. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    I just sploshed my freaking cheerios all over the floor

    I got a phone interview! Dyingdyingdyingdying
  20. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    I got a phone interview but not a list of times yet, anyone else the same? x

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