Hey there folks Birdman here wow its been atleast a year!! and things have surely changed last time i was on i was the moderator on this board hehehe anyhow i have aquestion to everyone who worked at Le Cellier, does anyone remember the bread spiel, like what bread represented what?? just got that question recently i have no clue exept i believe the pretzel bread we all loved represents the 2nd largest oktoberfest held in Kitchener or something, crap what do i know i was in merch anyhow BiRdMaN
Hey Birdman, I can't tell you how many times I did that stupid ass bread spiel. Well the MultiGrain bread represented the "Bread Basket" of Canada(Sask, AB, and MB) that produced (can't remember the percent) of all of the worlds wheat. Then there was the sourdough bread which represented the Yukon because they had an annual sourdough festival. How lame am I to remember that!! Lol! Kelly
this is what I remember.... the white one represents the Yukon territory where every spring they hold a big sourdough festival to welcome back the daylight. In the winter months they only have about 3-4 hours of sunshine. The multigrain represents our 3 prairie provinces of alberta, saskatchewan, and manitoba. they produce 54% of the worlds grain. And finally, my personal favourite, the pretzel bread which represents the Kitchener/Waterloo area of Ontario which holds the second largest oktoberfest in the world. Only seconded to Germany. mmmmm yummy! Hope that helps! Diana
I always loved at the end of my spiel for the breads that would end off with the pretzel one would be we also hold the world record for the worlds longest sasuage at 28 1/4 miles long the guests would eat it up and it's ture. Schnider meats company holds it. Cartwheel 00/01