Now that wer accpeted!!

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by mac shell, Dec 2, 2009.

  1. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    So now wev been accepted do we get told what park and rides and stuff we will be working at/on??

  2. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    No, you will find that out on your second or third day in orlando :)
  3. Jar

    Jar New Member

    You will find that out within the first 2 days of being in Florida. Although usually you will just find out the area your in, so if its attractions, you might find out your in Fantasyland, but you wont know which attractions until your first day of training.
  4. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    do they already know where exactly where wel be atm?? xxx
  5. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I don't know... sometimes... but it's quite early still. Generally you can't request a specific place unfortunately.
  6. Jar

    Jar New Member

    Technically they do have a plan of roughly where they will put you, but its all to do with staffing levels at the time, so things can change.

    On my second program a mate of mine managed to choose to work on a specific attraction as he still kept in contact with his old manager, who ended up moving to that attraction, which was very very lucky! So requests do sometimes work, but it doesnt happen often! :)
  7. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    Congrats to everyone getting through!!

    Jar, how have you managed to do the programme x3 now!!!? I thought you were only allowed to do it once!
  8. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    when should we get the conformation email by???? (i mean the one to confirm that we have confirmed)
  9. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    never mind just got it. ;D my application form should be with me by the 11th woop x
  10. Jar

    Jar New Member

    They changed the rules back in 2008, the summer ICP is the only program you can do more than once. As for getting in three times, to be honest I'm not sure, guess I must have done something right or I am just very very lucky! :)
  11. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    could you do the CRP after doing the ICP? oh can you only do one of the programs.
  12. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    Yeah you can do CRP aswell as doing ICP. But you can only do CRP once
  13. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    And its a seperate application process so you couldn't just transfer to the CRP after the ICP... its harder to get into the CRP program too :)
  14. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    Just googled my costume and all i have to say is "LOL!"

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