Not even a phone interview yet!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by klingon911, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. klingon911

    klingon911 New Member

    I feel so left out, i havent even had my phone interview yet lol! I rang Yummy 2 weeks ago, was re-assured by Michelle that my CV was on record, and she would eventually get round to me.

    And im goin on holiday next week to Florida for two weeks, so might even miss any request they send to me for an interview!

    I feel so lost, with September F2F interviews just round the corner, i feel i might not have made it :'( :'( :'(
  2. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    Hey Klingon!

    Not to worry, I have some good luck reassurance! Last February, I was feeling the exact same way, hearing that everyone was getting phone interviews! and the next week I went away to Florida on holiday...I got a message to call cast-a-way (the Canadian recruiter) the week after I returned, got granted a phone interview, made it to the f2f, and am off to Disney in December of this year!

    Rest assured, if they call you for a phone interview, and you are not available, they will grant you the phone interview at a later date! believe me...just stick it out, you will be fine!!

    Good Luck!! :)

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