So is it normal to have a little bit of a panic 5 days before leaving? hehe I feel really dis-organised and I cant really focus myself on getting things done. Still to get insurance - and no idea what is best option. Not changed any dollars yet, and I'm a little worried I wont have enough. Have only managed to save £500. (although will be taking my credit card with me so I can pay it back when I'm home hehe). And I aint even thought about packing yet. I got no idea what I'm gonna take with me.
Wow and I thought I was in a bad situation... I fly in ~3 weeks and I still have so much to do. I know I probably didn't encourage you at all.. :-[ but I guess you did encourage me! Thanks ;D
thats just mean!!! dont worry is totally normal - i have9 days to go and still have at least that much to do if not more! DONT PANIC just work through what u need to do - it should only take a day! then you can relax for ure last few days before leaving!!! - just remember your not going to a third world country if you forget something (well apart from insurance and paperwork) you can get it there!
well, I've to say that since a moment a prepare all ;D but just wanna know what U don't wanna forget, this gonna permit me to dont forget anything, except papers, passeports .. etc
I only got $400, and i dont have anything else, i dont think its going to be enough. What week do we start getting paid?
as much as I know we will not get payed the first two weeks. I actually think that 400 bucks is quite enough unless you really do not take anything from home. (or are a shopaholic ;D) I definately will get a pillow and blanket from walmart and you need food and stuff. But are more than 400 bucks really neccessary? ??? I do not know ... I hope the appartment has a tv and dvd player - that would be something I would definately buy if it is not already there ;D
oh and talking of insurance - I would hurry up with that a little. It took my insurance about 2 weeks to process my stuff and send me the paperwork. As much as I know you have to have a proof of insurance for the first 4 months when you arrive there - and they check that within the fist days
I'm also going out in a few days and i havent started packing yet although i have printed of the packing list off here and started putting everything into a room just not into a case
I go out in 3 weeks and, yes, like most people ive still got loads to do, including in getting my visa, travel insurance and flights booked, although ive been told disney are arranging that for me, so prob wont know where im flying from untill a few dasy b4. Also i think im going to get insurance for 1 year, a good one with sta travel maybe or
hmm not quite sure where u got this from but it sure as anything wasnt what i got when i did it last time! you get paid your second thrursday there and we all got about 200 dollars - certainly no more than that! as for money to take with you if possible you need AT LEASt what it tells you in the welcome pack if not more those that took the recommended amount last time were pretty tight by the end of the week and a half - you underestimate how much stuff u need/end up buying!! sorry to be a downer but just sayin how i found it!
bad news guys you wont get any sort of decent pay till your third week, the second week you have double rent to pay so you'll be lucky of you get $30 left over, then after that you'll be living on about $150 if your lucky! unless you can get into service then you'll be raking it in (but obviously not for quite some time) dont worry you get used to living on no money, its not great in way, shape, or form, but you manage, or you sit in a corner and have a nervous break down!
So the chances of saving any money is pretty dam slim, you just work, then you money goes on rent, food and drink? is that how it is? Do people go on roadtrips to Miami for example or jet of to NY or Vegas for a few days?
I'm gonna do that after my program finishes. I get an allowance off my parents which is the equivalent of $120 a week, so if i don't dip into that I should have enough to do some budget travelling.
Yeah, people go on trips and stuff..But you just maybe have to cut back a little on your spending for a few weeks to be able to afford it.. I don't think all money gets spent on rent food and drink..I only used to spend about $100 a week max on things like that, including eating out and stuff..And most weeks i was coming out with around $250 a week, so i then just spent the rest on clothes n luxuries, but i could have easily saved it and gone to miami or somewhere..Ill probably try and do that this time..
You have about $150 a week (rent is already deducted) but no way you have $ much overtime did u have?!?
on College Program you definately pull in 250 a week if your worked tons of OT. ICP unfortunately you can not pick up extra hours! only in your department.
It wasn't really overtime as such..I worked spectromagic..So it was sort of my standard shift.. I used to work 4 till 3 in the thats like 11 hours..Take away an hour or whatever for breaks..So that means i used 2 do like 2 hours time n a half every shift.. Once you've worked 8 hours, every hour after that you get a time n a half..In peak times i used to work 5 sometimes even 6 days in one week..Doing 11 hour shifts, always doing overtime every shift.. You do the maths! haha.. In all fairness tho, i think even when i did four 11 hour shifts i used to get $250 a week..
ok so every one earns different amounts, all depends on the hours you get and the role you play! just dont come here expecting to rake it in, a lot of people have to be on strict budgets and cannot afford to do anything, some lucky lucky people earn a lot and can afford to do what they want, if you are on little money, yes it sucks, but you get used to it, just means you spend a lot of time with your friends, hanging out, finding out all the tricks of getting by (and yes there are some!!)