Non Fizzy Drinks and Water at the Parks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Audrey II, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. Audrey II

    Audrey II New Member

    Now this may sound weird but I can't drink fizzy drinks. When I go to Disney I find the selection of non fizzy drinks quite narrow and I find dasani (the coke made water) very nasty and foul..i hate the coke taste as well.

    What i was wondering was whether otehr people found this. I tend to only drink powerade, gatorade and pink lemonade. Which is not always good for rehydration. Im curious as to whether there is anything else I can drink but am missing?
  2. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Quite alot of the carts and stands now stock vitamin water..

    The famous drink that 50 cent sold to coca cola, to make his huge fortune even bigger!

    But yeah, I would say thats the best drink they do at disneyworld really..Everything else isn't too good for you..
  3. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    I don't like fizzy drinks so I drink ALOT of pink lemonade when I am in Disney. That and water is all that I know of, except for the ice tea which tastes like real tea not the sugary stuff we have in canada.
  4. Audrey II

    Audrey II New Member

    Its a shame as orange and apple juice dont rehydrate.

    I will have to try that vitamin water. the dasani is horrible, the resort water out of the tap is better lol. Pink lemonade is amazing i wish they did it over here.
  5. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    One of my fave non fizzy drinks is aquarius, i love it so much, but we dont get it here, i have it all the time when im in spain.
    I cant remember if you can get it in florida.
  6. forloveofmusic

    forloveofmusic New Member

    I never drink pop/soda/whatever you wanna call it at home so I never actually thought about it but it's true, there are very few alternatives on-site. *thinks*... I always get iced green tea at the Japan pavillion, it's so good. Better than the unsweetened iced black tea they have at other places. I think in the shop in Japan you can get bottles of juice too. And at The Land for sure they have the Vitamin Water because I had one of those last time. I like the dragonfruit one, it's hard to find dragonfruit things around here. I can't think of what else... drink fountains usually have a button for water.
    :-\ I dunno. It is really hard, especially in America, to go out to eat and not have to choose between drinks you don't like.

    You can always go to a store outside of Disney property and bring something of your own...
  7. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    when we went when i was either 14 or 16, i came back and had loads of sugar cravings, it was so bad!
  8. Audrey II

    Audrey II New Member

    thanks for the advice. The Land when i went out last time was closed for refurb..apart from the rides (the restaurants were). i have never really explored epcot countries, its something i really should do! i will check out japan.

    maybe its something i will make them aware of if i visit next time.
  9. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    Free pop refills = a rather giddy joanne. It's so easy to drink heaps of pop in Fl. Most parks sold minute maid orange juice, but I'd normally take my own bottle in and fill it whenever i saw a water fountain. I'm deffo trying out the ice tea drinks in Japan. Yum. I wonder if the resorts still do the novelty mugs which are free refills (we got one between four of us cos we're so cheap!!), the hot coco was the bucket load.
  10. Audrey II

    Audrey II New Member

    all star resorts!! best ever mugs...always christmas...well theyw ere when we went. eleven dollars i think they were. lus you canchill out by the pools while you drink.
  11. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    Haha the first time I read that I thought of a water fountain and obviously they have a button for water. Then I read it again and got what you meant.

    mmm it is good!
  12. forloveofmusic

    forloveofmusic New Member

    They still have the mugs but I think they might all be the same ones... since most people brought them out and used them elsewhere anyways, it saves money to have all the same print.

    I wanna go to Epcot for iced green tea now lol
  13. Audrey II

    Audrey II New Member

    The teas sound nice but i dont drink caffine!!! apar from hot chocolate of course :D
  14. slider655

    slider655 Member

    The hot chocolate from the machines at the hotels is looooovelyyyy! Perfect for those 'cold' nights.
    The selection of drinks from the drink stations is quite good, and the mug and barcode system at the waterparks is very clever!
  15. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    ooo what's that?
  16. slider655

    slider655 Member

    Its aimed at day visitors at the water parks, you pay about $11 for a mug with free refills. They stick a barcode on your mug, so to fill up you go to the unmanned refill station, scan your barcode and pick your drink. It stops randoms who havent paid for the service from getting drinks without paying.
    If you come back another day, you pay around $4 i think (someone correct me if im wrong!) for another barcode label for that day and keep the same mug.
    Its quite clever!
  17. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    yeap i believe that's correctamundo! it's really good when you consider how cheap $4 for drinks all day, and how they are encouraging you to use the same thing rather than getting a new one. i believe the villa we stayed in last time had a collection, so i think one day we took one and got a new barcode...god bless disney :)
  18. Audrey II

    Audrey II New Member

    at blizzaed you only get a limited amount of refills! As we found out when we went in 2007.
  19. Disney Dude

    Disney Dude Guest

    Anyone else plan to take their own teabags to Florida? I've heard they are not as easy to get hold of and don't taste as good in Orlando
  20. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    I dont drink tea, i love coffee, whats the coffe like, i loved the hot chocolates i used to grab in the morning before going to the parks, hehe. was amazing

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