Nights out...

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by DiannaPL, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. DiannaPL

    DiannaPL New Member

    Heyy everyone!!

    Im Di, I haven't been accepted to ICP (yet ;) ) but I do have a question for those who have done this program before...I understand that ICPs do sick work hours, so Im curious what the party scene is like? Do ICP people get together? are there hangouts for cast members? lots of drinking would be preferable lol

    Any info would be great! or even experiences ;)
  2. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    You will work crazy hours...think finishing at 10.30pm and starting at 8am with a 45minute bus journey...but there's definitely still nights out to be had! I finished at 10.30 on sundays and headed to House of Blues afterwards, or to house parties...mostly with people I worked with though. working at the Studios had the advantage of finishing at 7 a few nights a week so you can do what u like after that. Mostly I went with people I worked with to IHOP or Taco Bell or Dennys and maybe to the cinema afterwards. It just depends what u want to do. Everyone's in the same boat, you will be really tired after a 13 hour shift but you're there for such a short amount of time you won't want to waste a minute. Just wait and see what happens ;D
  3. DiannaPL

    DiannaPL New Member

    Thanks!!! Im sure no matter how tired I am, it will be good times lol hopefully i get accepted :)
  4. Loz

    Loz New Member

    I did three months back on 07, and CharlotteSparkle is bang on. You're knackered, everyone else is knackered but you still find the energy to party all night and drag your sorry butt onto the 7am bus. The other thing is that everyone has different "weekends" (ie days off), so you might end up seeing more of the group with the same schedule as you.
    Whatever happens, and stuff will randomly drop into your lap on a regular basis, please make the most of it. Say yes if you possibly can; I went to Universal Studios nightclubs, a Superbowl party, wandered around the parks at 1am with people I barely knew, belting out Bohemian Rhapsody (the park was closed to the public, but a special night preview of a parade was on).
    Best of luck for the interview!!
  5. RSH01

    RSH01 New Member

    AWWWWWWWWWWWWW - We have to head out after working - theres soooooo much to do and see! We can go to donwtown disney an all! Yeeeeeeeeeeo. Im sooooooooo excited! Rob :)
  6. Eve

    Eve New Member

    Haha I have often done a 12 hour shift in a hospital and then headed out im sure we can all head out together!!!! ur only as tired as you wanna be!!!! ;D
  7. Tink**

    Tink** New Member

    To be honest you get so used to running on very little sleep you don't even notice it after the first few weeks haha. You fall into a work/sleep/party routine for sure. I worked at EPCOT, so most days I worked shifts either 11-7, 2-10, or 4-1am or 2am, depending on EMH (extra magic hours)
    By the time you get home, whether it be dinnertime, 10 at night or 2 in the morning, there is ALWAYS something going on! My personal opinion, take advantage of the earlier nights off to hit up the parks. I find those are the most fun at night. Studios has Fantasmic, and of course the Wishes fireworks at Magic Kingdom! Mostly the parks are only open til about 9-10, and sometimes later depending on the time of year.

    I found a lot when I would get home from work at 1 or 2 in the morning that there were always parties to visit. Grab a friend and just go, you meet so many people so quickly, and you come to realize you'll meet a ton of people who know someone you know, and thats how friendships and connections are made. Everyone parties during the late hours, because most people work similar shifts on EMH nights. You will party til 5 or 6 in the morning, grab a few hours sleep, and get up and do it all over again the next day! Being tired is an inevitable fact. But don't think its like being tired and having to get up to go to school (such an unpleasant feeling!) You wake up to a wonderful sunny day, have a quick dip in the pool and head off to work where the energy is always upbeat and just electric. You won't notice being tired, but you sure as hell will sleep ridiculously well when you finally do fall into bed at night!!!!
  8. Tink**

    Tink** New Member

    Oh, and I highly recommend Downtown Disney for nightlife!!!
    House of Blues on Sundays is free for all Cast members!! (who are of age, of course!)

    Sadly they shut down Pleasure Island September 08, which was a huge entertainment area with lots of fun clubs and such... I am not sure what took over in its place.
  9. ariella

    ariella New Member

    Ya, it's amazing the energy you have down there and the ability to function on no sleep. I don't know if it's the sun or just being at Disney that does it but I definitely cannot function like that back home. I am feeling like a zombie with the lack of sleep I'm getting with school and work lol.
  10. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    So true... for the last 2 weeks of the program I think I lived on about 4 hours sleep a night because I just wanted to fit everything in!! It's not the same as lack of sleep in the rainy horrible UK :p
  11. pinksparkles2

    pinksparkles2 New Member

    Ohhhh... I want to be 21!!!
  12. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Tellme about it I think thats the only downside to going to Disney now i'm just scared everyone will be partying and i'll be stuck in my flat with nothing to do....I'm sure it's not like that...lets hope!!
  13. SteffieDavis

    SteffieDavis New Member

    i was 18 when i started my last program, i turned 19 down there and i never lacked for things to do! House of blues lets you in if you are over 18 or 19 (i can't remember which)-- you just cant a stamp saying you can't drink. They even have a special bar that serves soda and candy, lol. And on regular days, hanging out in other peoples apartments or by the pool/hot tub is always fun :) I never felt like i was excluded or left out of anything because of my age!
  14. Mauro

    Mauro New Member

    well at least when I was there the party scene was something like this:

    Monday: International party at commons, for Mexico: Tlapa, but the norwegians have slickaboo, and canadians have nomams and so on ....

    Tuesday: Bennigans for beer pong

    Wednesday: Blue Martini, (2 for 1 on martinis for girls....but you know,they can buy your drinks) or Chillers (1 dollar frozen drinks and beer)

    Thursdays: Roxy

    Friday: this was either a house party,cowboys or mojitos

    Saturday: off

    Sunday: House of blues
  15. jimbolico

    jimbolico New Member

    Mauro is right for most of the days now is:

    Monday: If u live at the commons or work at epcot world showcase its happy monday. If you live at vista is Mojitos night

    Tuesday: bennigans doesnt exist anymore so now is lucky tuesday at rain

    wednesday: Blue Martini or Chillers

    Thursday: Roxy


    Saturday: Downtown Orlando or Cowboys (they have beers for free til 1am) or Howl at the Moon

    Sunday: HOB
  16. StevenC

    StevenC New Member

    i guess its kinda sad that there is this expectation that u HAVE to go out every night and go to a party just to make friends and have a good time.

    i'd rather make friends, go round the parks, and have a nice night in instead of killing my body on 4 hours sleep everyday.
  17. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Haha, I made friends, went round the parks and had nights in (mostly was working them!) and still ended up surviving on lack of sleep!! :)
  18. Leloo

    Leloo New Member

    Good point!
    I am with you on that one , Steven! ;D
  19. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    ice cream late at night by the swimming pool! Its bliss i promise!

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