
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by robynchic, Apr 30, 2005.

  1. robynchic

    robynchic New Member

    I always find this topic amusing, so I thought I'd start a thread about it.

    Do you have any random nicknames that your friends have given you?  If so, what are they and what's the story behind the nickname, if there is one?

    I have a lot of nicknames with my theatre department here, and there are stories behind them.  So let's start off with the easily explainable, and then go to the amusing ones.

    Disney (because I work for Disney and one of the professors here moved from Orlando 4 weeks before school started.  He worked for Universal Studios, so we have a mock-rivalry)

    Mickey (obvious reasons)

    Joe (I have a shirt that says "Joe" on the front and "Momma" on the back)

    Lil One (because I am the smallest person that works with the theatre department, so I'm everyone's "pet")

    Shorty McBigjugs (one of my "big brothers" gave me that nickname because I am small but I'm...well endowed?)

    Smacks (When I was drilling a hole through two 2x4s, the only way I could stand to get a good angle was with my butt straight up in the air.  One of the head tech people said "Hey Joe" and I looked between my legs to see who was calling me.  All of a sudden I felt a *smack*.  I stood up, looked at the person that did it, and said "Spam, if you're going to smack my ass, make sure you get a good porn star smack sound from it.  Like this" and I smacked my own butt.  Then I bent back over to continue drilling and said, "Now try again.")
  2. feeona

    feeona New Member

    Well i dont really have any amusing ones but my name is fiona and so most people call me fi. Though some ppl will say fi fi trix or feef. I used to get called ickle fi fi when i was at high school as i was the smallest out of my friends. Thats about it. lol
  3. Anika

    Anika New Member

    A friend of mine gave me the nickname 'Hexe', which means 'witch' in English... :D
  4. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    i have nicknames that different peeps use to get my attention:

    sweet - just to take the mick as i'm always saying it as i don't like the work cool

    nene - only my perants can call me this as they use it when they want me to do something for them!!! but when i'm in trouble its JENINE SARA JACKSON get ur ass here lol

    J - out of lazzieness

    Blondie and motor mouth by my work mates and teachers as i never shut up and come out with random stuff
  5. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    In Florida, I got either Shananigans (because apparently I cause trouble?!?!) or one of my managers called me Shanahan. Shananigans stuck and was my Canadian Girls name.

  6. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    I mostly get things that rhyme with my name....


    and then there's shortenings

    Ellie - which I HATE by the way!!

    some people call me Helen, cos they think I'm just not saying my name properly when I tell them....just being lazy and not pronoucing the H....but that REALLY irritates me to hell!!! MY NAME IS ELLEN AND I CAN SPEAK PROPERLY!!!! :mad:

    that's it really..nothing that interesting...

    My brother calls me Loser, or Ellie Smelly Jelly Belly! ::)

    Ellen x :D
  7. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    i dont know if any of you know the show but i get

    lizzie mcguire all the time..from most of the people i meet....but i dont konw if that show airs over;s this little kid show with hilary duff who plays this teenager named lizzie mcguire...

    and my cousin usually calls me that one....
  8. MyLittlePony

    MyLittlePony New Member

    Blondie because I'm blonde and sometimes I don't get jokes...

    Rosa which means pink, I love to wear a lot of pink. I know I'm too old, but its fun!

    GhettoBooty is my nickname on my sisters cell, I don't really want to elaborate on that...

    Flaggstang which means flagpole, is an old nickname one of my friends had for me because I'm quite tall and I once had red bra straps peeping out under a double layered blue and white top. So there was one strap of each color... tragic, I know!

    Kriss is my personal fave. You might be able to guess my name now...
  9. A. LO

    A. LO New Member

    lol this is a sweet topic! i've got a bunch:
    Am>> just short for amber
    Ambrosia, Bro>> nicknames my dad gave me
    Peanut>> nickname my mom gave me when i was little and still now lol
    Cheeky>> a guy at work calls me that cause he's too lazy to call me amber
    Casper>> another guy who used to work with me called me that cause i'm sooo white! haha!
    Ember>> another guy at work calls me that cause i get all "fired up" about little things! haha
    A. Lo>> my friend started calling me this because my name is amber loewen (low-win). it's like J. Lo
  10. emma

    emma New Member

    i get blondie all the time...coz i also dnt get jokes or laf at my own like a loser
    i LOVE hilary duff! and linsdey a dork! i get kirky kirko or captain kirk...which is always fun lol.......

    oh and always britney....coz evry1 knws i love her
  11. T-belle

    T-belle New Member

    ok let's see what i've been called.

    Tine: My name is Martine,but when i was young my mum just called me Tine

    MIA: was started by one of my managers at Epcot. Stands for Missing in Action(not that i was) and i ended up wearing a nametag with Mia for almost 5 months.

    Princess: Well, I am one!!! And i had a thing for one of the Prince Charmings (no, he was NOT gay)

    Trouble: coz somehow i always get into trouble.

    Mine: (Meene) what my babysis calls me.
  12. A. LO

    A. LO New Member

    ahahahaha! gay! hahahahaha
  13. Jimbobdaga

    Jimbobdaga Member

    Jimbob - Not sure how that one started but I liked it and just stuck with it

    Printer Jim - When I started Working at Circuit City It was a few days before black Friday so they only had time to teach me about one department and it was Printers. So since I was back there all the time I got the name. Best thing was my boss made it so that on the schedule instead of my last name it said Printer and every one for the longest time thought my real last name was Printer.

    That’s about it besides the names that I have picked up on the forums here. :p
  14. screamf1

    screamf1 New Member

    mine started at camp a couple of years ago. Sarah was for some reason too long to say, so they just used to shout "SAR" then that turned into Sar Bear. Everyone calls me that now, have sweaters and everything with my new name on it.
    Also called shorty sometimes too ;D
  15. Goldytap

    Goldytap New Member

    im usually called Dippy, or Choc

    Dippy because I act kinda blonde - most of the time!

    Choc because Im a chocaholic!

    Actaully thinking about it, there are a few people calling me titch as well - im not tiny, but i consider my self small.

    Sarah :D
  16. Tinks

    Tinks New Member

    My friends at school always called me BUG but since leaving school I've kinda of lost that name. They called me bug because, aparently I was quite buggin! (Can you believe that?!) and beacuse I was the smallest :-( Which I hate! Stupid genes stopped me growing at 12!
    Other than that I've not really had any nick names. (Dull huh!)
  17. alemanolga

    alemanolga New Member

    ok here are my nicknames:

    Beba - In my house because its like baby and im the youngest

    Bartola - By Marco and dont know why hehehe

    Carta - Because of my 2nd lastname Cartaya

    And many stupid ones from my friends hehehe ;)
  18. low

    low New Member

    see everyone or most people call me loe which is short for lowri by best mate calls me will as my second name is wilson and another one of my mate calls me low of the ri hehehe there u go not very good but hey
  19. robynchic

    robynchic New Member

    Okay, I guess I'll just say which ones are the most common (and another common one I just remembered)

    My common ones are Disney, Mickey (people are amazed that I'll respond to it like it's my actual name!) Lil One and the new one:

    Tink (Or Tinkerbell): I have a blue totebag with Tink with sequins and beads on it, my lanyard is Tinkerbell, and my favorite hooded sweatshirt has Tinkerbell on the front, with pixie wings on the back. So if anyone sees me with my back to them, and can't remember (or hasn't learned) my name, they just call "Tink!" and I answer.
  20. low

    low New Member

    it should be low not loe hehehehe

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