Next Canadian Interviews

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Timitu, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    Anyone know when they are? I am just wondering, I obvously dont need it but I was wondering for a few people I know who might want to apply, and just wondering if anyone has heard any dates as to when it is. (I heard september but not sure if that is just when they are to hand in their resames or if it is the interview date) just need to know cause they have a wedding to go to in September and they dont want clashing of dates. Any help would be great. Thanks. :)
  2. angeljenn3

    angeljenn3 New Member

    I think the exact dates change from year to year. I know last year the Spring interviews were in March and this year they were February (as you know). You best bet is to have them e-mail Kristen at Yummy as she'd be the one with the most information.
  3. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    I'd also like to know any info anyone may have on exact dates. I got an e-mail from Kristen a few weeks ago that said that the dates for the next interviews are "currently anticipated to be in September". There wasn't any other details as to where or when, she just said that she would keep me updated. So if I hear anything I'll post it :)
  4. DisneyDreamer85

    DisneyDreamer85 New Member

    They normally don't publish when the exact dates for the interviews are until about a couple months in advance, so it's alright to apply, they just aren't sure when and where the interviews will be each year because they change locations and such.
    I know out interviews were at the Grand Hotel this year, but I know the Cruise Line and for next time will probably be at the Delta Chelsea....
    But they will email you a confirmation about the next dates and update their website and such.
  5. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    Ok, maybe I will get them to e-mail them and ask. :) I don't want to myself cause I don't want to confuse them with my name and e-mail address. They will be like "Well didn't she get in already." LOL. So I will get them to e-mail and if they hear a date or any more info I will let everyone know.

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