New Seasonal Program

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by aussie_gal, Aug 19, 2007.

  1. aussie_gal

    aussie_gal New Member

    I was looking through the new website and found this program.. i dont think ive heard about this one before:

    i wanted to do the summer program but the only thing was that i wouldn't be 21 yet because i turn 21 in my last year of uni and i'd be kinda sad that i wouldnt be able to go to pleasure island...

    so with this new program i could wait till im finished uni and 21 i guess

    is anyone on this program or know much about it?
  2. Disney-Princess

    Disney-Princess New Member


    I emailed my Disney contact here in the UK (at and the woman said it seems that Disney don't have any plans for recruiting for the seasonal program for this year, but that's the UK so maybe it'll be different in other countries? She didn't give me any further info on it because i don't think she knows anything more herself. Have to keep checking and wait to see if anything comes up i guess!
  3. queco25

    queco25 New Member

    I'm Ezequiel from Argentina, and I'd like to know if people from my country gonna have the possibility to be part of the new seasonal working program and when.
    please send me the answer at

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