New here and 2011 Disney applicant

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by BethEJo, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. BethEJo

    BethEJo New Member

    Hey guys!

    I'm new here - I found this website when I was searching the ol' google for info about the ICP.

    I'm Bethan, I'm 21 and am currently studying medicine at Cardiff university. I applied for the 2011 ICP all the way back when the applications opened in June and have arranged my phone interview for this Wednesday.

    I'm so nervous, but excited at the same time - I really hope it works out!

    Was just wondering if you guys had any tips for the phone interview? I've heard about so many things about what the recruiter may ask you ranging from why do you want to do the program to tell me some interesting facts about where you live.

    Please help :)
  2. beeg

    beeg New Member

    Welcome! I'm sure you'll do great on the phone interview. My biggest tip is smile, even though you are on the phone. People can hear it in your voice and it just makes you feel better. I think the one question that is standard might be, why do you want to work for Disney? Another popular one, according to the people I talked to and I had, was how do you feel about living with people from all over the world?

    Just remember to breathe, smile and let your love for Disney shine through and I'm sure you'll do fine.
  3. GXB977

    GXB977 New Member

    Hi Beth!
    Congratulations on getting an interview.
    I think that the phone interview is more of a 'pre-screen' stage, so don't expect any super difficult questions. At the beginning I think they confirm all of your details with you, and a date that you would like to start (so have this to hand!) You only get 15 minutes or so, so make sure you don't have to go rummaging around for any details during the interview.
    Like beeg said, I think the questions are pretty standard. Why do you want to work in Disney? Tell me about yourself . . . Why do you want to work in operations/custodial/food and beverage? Sharing a room . . . Biggest challenge?
    They might throw in some randoms like Which Disney Character are you most like? or What do you think Disney stands for? maybe even What is your favourite thing in WDW? But these questions are highly unlikely.
    Perhaps you could prepare some brief bullet pointed notes beforehand? I mean, don't read straight of the page as that will sound really mechanical, but they can act as prompts.
    Oooh, also, if they ask you if you have any questions MAKE SURE YOU DO. They love to hear people who don't 'know-it-all' and want to know more. Even if it's just something like, 'How do you guys decide where to place us' or 'Do you know if there is a graduate program available for my future?' or 'Is it worth requesting a specific location?' This makes you sound really interested.
    Hope that covers everything . . .
  4. beccathemouse

    beccathemouse New Member

    Don't worry I'm sure you'll be fine!

    I have another tip though it's only small- have your CV and cover letter infront of you during the interview. It's really good to do that so you can remember what you've actually done that you can apply to why you should get a job with disney! I do stuff then forget what I've done so after I'm like oh why didn't I bring that in! Last year I had some weird question like 'give me an example of when you've been enthusiastic?' (yes very weird question though I'm a bit dubious about my interviewer last year as no-one else seemed to have her) so it was nice to scan my CV and find the best example of my work experience which applied to that!

    I also definitely second what beeg said about smiling! Really makes a difference! :D :D :D :D :D

    while we're on the subject of telephone interviews....

    has anyone got any tips for telephone interviews for alumni?

    They seem to be tough on alumni because there is this expectation that we have to prove ourselves as to why we deserve another chance. I applied for ICP 2010 after my 09 program and didn't get a f2f! I was so gutted, especialy because my telephone interview went ok so I have no idea what to do/expect this year so if anyone has any tips....

    lots of lovexxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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