New disney Cast member website

Discussion in 'Alumni Discussion' started by Ze Perfect Strange, Apr 2, 2005.

  1. Ze Perfect Strange

    Ze Perfect Strange New Member

    New website for cast members from Disneyland Resort Paris,
    check out the photo album for party and parks picture residence section to show you where you could live!!
    and of course guest book and a discussion forum(that you ll recognize) to meet people!!

    New website so all comments are welcome!
    thank you

    ZPS :p
  2. CrEsT

    CrEsT New Member

    Congrats for your site!

    IMO, the pictures are cool, the design is poor but can be improved
  3. Ze Perfect Strange

    Ze Perfect Strange New Member

    Hey thanls for the comments, though can i ask how you would make it less poor, for the design though?
    coz i really feel like i could make it look better but dont know how....
    right now the webmaster, a friend of mine is working on a pic display on the top left side of the site, kinda like this site... what does IMO mean?
    ZPS :p
  4. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    IMO = in my opinion.... I have never heard the short form but would guess it means that!

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