Hi guys, as the topic title suggests, i have a dilemma. I've just found out today i've been offered a graduate job with a blue chip company, it is one for the long term. Do you reckon it is worth asking them if I can have a year's deferment in case I get the disney job? And if i dont get the job, do you reckon they will allow me to start this september?? Michelle, Sara, Lindsey etc, how long did it take for you to find out after your interview whether you had the disney job for definate?? I know its a 'nice' dilemma but its still troubling me. It would be absolutly amazing and beyond my dreams if they said i could postpone and disney said yes. But i sure dont want to risk this job and get rejected by Disney. Any ideas or advice would be nice. THanks, Dan
hey dan LOVE the name by the way very clever! u love it!! that is quite a situation lol as joey would say (ross in the leather pants?? ) neways...i guess i hav a slightly simila situation in that i need to eiva defer uni presuming i get the job (which im not!) or put down for 2005 so if i fail i can go and avoid all them hideous top up fees in 2006! therfore i am no help whatsoever to u here! altho i do know that we wil recieve answers on whether we are being considered or not roughly one to two weeks afta interview and will know for sure after one month maximum! michelle has more accurate info than me but... hope that waffle semi helped! i still dont have my UCAS offer off durham! :'(
Hi Guys! Dan i wold have thought you'd know by April if u have the disney job... Last time us November lot knew within 3/4 weeks of interview. Maybe explain to the graduate company that you're thinking of taking a gap year which depends on the disney job. I know some companies let u defer so u never know! Hope it all falls into place for u! Emma - disney would be such a great gap year for you, where are u applying to uni? good luck! xxx
Cheers Guys, my offer says i have till March 18th so i'll be able to buy some time. I'm glad you liked the title Emma! Loves it! I'm sure you'll hear from Durham soon, they often take quite a while to let people know, i remember the UCAS stress well!
You'll at least know if you're being considered or not by March 18th Dan! Its been a while but yeah who could forget ucas stress - some unis tell in like 2 weeks then 1/2 keep u waiting months! xxx
Like Marie said you should hopefully know by then if you got your job! At the nterview theyll let you know when youll hear by to give you a rough idea!! Congrats on the job too by the way!!! Emma - the 'loves it' thing is great!! Paris and Nicole rule!!!! (Im assuming its from the Simple Life that the whole loves it thing came about!!!) Michelle xx
Cheers Michelle, I'm going to ring the company tommorrow and ask very nicely if i can postpone till next year. If they say no, they say no, and my dillemma will be bad, if they say yes, that'd be wicked! It does mean id have to go in the September intake for WDW and that will obviously risk my chances , but I can only give it a shot! DAn
Hey Dan, Your in a tricky situation, but its one I envy! Obviously, the blue-chip job will be a huge platform on which to start your career, graduate jobs are damn hard to get so well done on that! I know you haven't heard from Disney yet, but if you got a yes (and I can't think why u wouldn't with that sense of humour!) and a no from the blue-chip for deffering then I guess you are the only one that can make the big decision. Disney is such a great opportunity to make friends, learn about other cultures, and have a year of fun, but unless you plan to go into the customer-servicey area, it probably won't come close to the career boosting blue-chip job.. But then I could be wrong, who knows what opportunties Florida will throw at you? Anyway, before I get too deep and cheesy, the point I'm trying to make is that it all depends on what your priorities are, and what you feel will benefit your life the most. Good luck with deciding! Beth :-*
haha a good situation to be in, but stressful im sure none the less! Its not so much the wait between the int and finding out. its waiting for the interview and then after you get the job, waiting for the dept date! Good Luck with everything hope it all works out!! xxx