Need some suggestions...

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Mom of an Applicant, May 24, 2006.

  1. Mom of an Applicant

    Mom of an Applicant New Member

    Hey guys! I'm Shayna's mom and she's a ICP student from Southern Ontario. She arrived on May 14 and is surprisingly have a bit of a hard time settling in and connecting with people. She's not the only one having a hard time, but I think the combination of living in Vista and there not being any kind of organized get-togethers is making it hard for some of these kids to make connections. Any suggestions? You may think I'm exaggerating, but my normally very out-going, fun-loving daughter is struggling and I'm trying to come up with suggestions to help her make her way. I understand that it takes time, and it's hard because everyone's schedules are so different, but I do know she was expecting (maybe foolishly) that everyone who works for Disney would be fun and friendly and unfortunately that hasn't been the case!

    Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated! :)
  2. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Well I'm not too sure what to suggest to be honest, but I'll be down in a few weeks and will always be looking for people to hang out with and go to the parks with! 'tis the best I can offer in terms of information but I'm still almost a month off...

    Oh and I should add I'm not sure where I'll be but I know it'll be Vista or Chatham (I think it'll be Chatham however).
  3. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Yah, I dunno, I kinda just gotta agree with Jorden on this. I'll be there the same time as him and will definatly hang around with her when I get there...the more the merrier. But the thing is, it's hard to get to Vista from the other housing units, it's kinda far away which would make it hard for me to get there.
  4. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Oh yeah and I guess it's hard for me and Snow to suggest much else simply because we haven't been there to go through it ourselves yet. Hopefully theres some Alumni on here who have some tips that'll help in the short term.
  5. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Tell her to come visit us in #3307 at Vista. I've talked to her a few times and I think she flew down with Tim too. But ya, anyone is free to drop by and chill out! We even have a TV! I agree though, I've only really hung out with my roomates and people from one other room here. It gets hard though because once everyone starts working, everyone's on different schedules. The only thing they've done so far is like a pool party which I didn't go to. There is something happening on Memorial day at Mickey's retreat, but I don't know what day that is and some people might be working and Mickey's retreat isn't really convenient for us Vista ppl. They should have something, like at least ways to meet people in your building. I think Shayna's in the same building actually right? Aside from her room, we've only met one guy on the US college program in the room above us, and the only other people we've met are some girls downstairs who complained because we were singing too loud... :-[
    but ya... 3307 is the place to be!
  6. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    I have honestly heard of people self terming because of this! I KNOW that EVERYONE says that they are outgoing and will talk to EVERYONE when they are down there but does this REALLY happen??? Probably not!! Sad but true!!

    CHIN UP SHAYNA's mummy...........she will meet a WHOLE BUNCH of people and have an amazing time!! ;D
  7. chezza

    chezza New Member

    where do the uk college (summer) programme get housed? im 22 so i no ill be with ppl my age but will this b in vista?
  8. monkian

    monkian New Member

    this is kinda scary..cos believe or not i am uber shy!!!!! honestly! infact i think thats why i am trying to make connections with people before i go...hoping they will b nice to the short scottish gal when i get there...i know it will be hard...but even if i don't find anyone at least i will get to skip parts of ques as i will be riding solo!!! "ok we have one seet free on this space mountain rocket?!" "me me me"

    i guess we just have to remember that everyone is or was in the same boat as us....unfortunatly i won't be out there for another 3 which time i am sure Shayna will have made multitudeness friends....and won't need the likes of me :'( .

    i hope she settles in soon...
  9. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    HEY QUEENY.......

    I am SUPER SHY but the friends don't agree with me!! i am USUALLY the life of the party....I WILL talk to anyone HOWEVER I get VERY uncomfortable like I guess anyone would!! I took this web site as a chance to meet up and get to know some people!! I HOPE that someone finds me AMUSING enough to want to hang with me when we get down there!!
    Luckily for you, you arrive WAY BEFORE I get there so you will ALREADY be involved with people by the time I arrive!! :'(
  10. monkian

    monkian New Member

    hey i will always have time to come and find you slg! you know that! then you will have a preprepared group of friends! woohoo...don't worry...and then i can show you all the tricks... ;) :D
  11. Dougslar

    Dougslar New Member

    It is so easy to make friends when you get there, don't worry! I was probably one of the quietest ones when I went out to Florida but believe me everyone is in the same boat when they first arrive so everyone understands and goes out of their way to make people welcome. I have to say it is probably easier to make friends and get into a group of people on the International Program as you all work pretty much the same shifts, especially in merch, so you all start and finish at the same time then either go round to someone's apartment or go out!!! ;D

    I'm sure Shayna will settle in in no time! It does take a little getting used to but once you're there a few weeks you won't want to go home again!!!! ;D

    Wicked Queen, I could be working with you!!! I'm hopefully heading back out soon to work in HRC in the UK Pavilion for 18 months (if I can ever get things organised in time!!!)!! So come give me a shout! :D

    Laura. :)
  12. Ona

    Ona Member

    Lol Laura I was just about to say the same thing about it being easier on the IP. ;D

    Shayna's mom, I know it must feel awful for you at the mo; knowing there's not much you can do to help (that's a mum's job right? ;D). My mum felt similarly when I went out there (for different reasons; we had crazy over-time and were dead on our feet). And I was 22! ;D

    But be;ieve me, Shayna will be fine. It might take a wee while but she'll be ok. By the end of her 3 months, she's not gonna want to leave her new "family" behind.

    All I can sugesst is that she doesn't stay in. Ever. :D If folks from work or her apt. are going out, she should go. Even if she's tired, even if she doesn't feel like it. Take every opportunity. She may feel a wee bit akward at first but the friendly Disney folks are there. It just might take a while to spot them (we don't wear mouse ears all the time........ well..... not always ;)). Finding like minded folks will happen. There are almost 60,000 CMs in WDW. Just give it a wee bit longer. :)

    Ona x
  13. monkian

    monkian New Member

    18 MONTHS.....cooeeel!!!!as!!!! wow ofcourse i will drop by!! hee hee when you off?

    also feeling kinda glad i am in Merch...sooo excited!!!

    and i just know Shayna will make friends!
  14. Dougslar

    Dougslar New Member

    Due to start work on 1st July but hoping to head out earlier to sort things out. But I can't get a visa appointment until June 21st so won't be going out that much earlier!!! :mad:

    I'm not doing the IP programme (done that before in 2001-2002) so I have to find somewhere to live, although hopefully by boyfriend is doing that as we speak!!! ??? But it's cool I'll get to work in the UK Pavilion again! Be a bit strange at first after all this time!! And I'll get to work in the Magic Kingdom too so that'll be new for me!

    Just want to get out there and get things sorted instead of having to wait here for visa appointments!!! :mad:
  15. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    AWWWWWWWW SWEET QUEENY.......I LOVE YA!!! Your making being away FUN and I have NOT even left the country yet!! :-*

    HUGS!! ;D ;D
  16. Mom of an Applicant

    Mom of an Applicant New Member

    Thanks for the replies guys...

    We've been chatting for over an hour tonight because she has decided she wants to come home!

    Can't stand the majority of her roomies and the one she does like is supposedly leaving the program because she's also sooo unhappy!


    Boy do I feel like a bad mother for telling her she needs to stick it out and try and make it work...

    It definitely seems to be different for the Cultural Reps that are there for the year long program!
  17. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Well I guess she's gotta do what shes gotta do, in my opinion theres so much more to do that dosn't involve the roomates, I don't plan on spending much time in my room myself (except to sleep) and I'm not even a partier, it's unfortunate she hasn't even given it two weeks yet.
  18. Mom of an Applicant

    Mom of an Applicant New Member

    Hey Jorden!

    Well, whether she likes it or not, she's going to have to figure out a way to make it better! I can't see bringing her home less than two weeks makes no sense no matter how bad she's feeling right now...
  19. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Well I'll be there and have my pass in about 4 weeks, she must have her gate pass allready, there's 4 parks to explore for free right there, water parks for the nice days, downtown disney. THen you can get off the property and see Sea World, and Unviersal. They cost a bit of money bt I think there's plenty to do right there when you're not working.

    Aside from possibly sleeping in some mornings, I'll be spending my mornings/evenings (depending on work) at a theme park, I'll even be getting a Universal year pass (costs 3 days admission so go 3 times and it's paid for). I'm not sure what she's doing in her spare time but her and her other roomate she likes should head off to the parks or someplace else not in her room and try to make it better for each other. imo 11 days is really not enough time to form an opinion. First impressions may be lasting, but I think thats all she's going on at this point.
  20. jenmacp

    jenmacp New Member


    I've been down here on the IP since the beginning of September. I've moved around a lot in the past few years so I completely understand what your daughter is going through! Although I never dealt with homesickness down here, many did during their first and seconds weeks. However, those people are now dreading going home!

    I know sometimes it's hard going out with people you don't know and whatnot, but you really do have to put in the effort. Go out and make an appearance at parties, even if you know only one other person!

    If you are able to give me Shayna's number (PM it to me as I understand not wanting to post it online) I'll give her a ring sometime next week! (I'm heading to Puerto Rico for the weekend so the next few days I'll be MIA.)

    ~ Jen

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