Nearby Banks to The Commons?

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by disney_hopper, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. disney_hopper

    disney_hopper New Member

    Hi everyone! I was just wondering what the CLOSEST in vacinity National Bank is to The Commons and what it is called.. ie: Bank Of America etc. It has to be a national bank chain. Any help would be greatly appreciated! ;D
  2. AllanWa

    AllanWa New Member

    A very good suggestion I have for you Matt is this... Go to RBC (Royal Bank) at home and then set up an account here (in Canada) and then set one up with RBC Centursomething (also done here). This will allow you access to ATM and RBC USA stuff in Florida. The nearest RBC ATM will be in the Publix Grocery store which is apparently right by us near the Commons.

    I've done this for one very important reason - I can transfer funds instantly between the Canada side and the US side. So if I have a Disney cheque I want to use to pay my student loans I just put the cash in to the RBC USA account and then go online and instanly put it into the Canadian side. I'm told this is impossible with any other bank and would take at least a few days to transfer money (also there would be a charge) between the US and Canada.

    Hope that helps.

    ~ Allan

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