My own room?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by plutoforever, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. plutoforever

    plutoforever New Member

    I would like to know if there is absolutely anyway of having my own bedroom, either by paying more or staying with a close friend of mine who works at Disney?

    I am used to sleeping alone and like my own space. Not that I don’t like having people around or anything, but sometimes I just like my own space.
    I would feel uncomfortable sleeping in the same room as somebody who I haven’t known for a while.

    Any ideas or suggestions on this? Can I make a special request ect?

    Thanks In advance!
    Matt ºoº ~*~*~
  2. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth New Member

    think u have to share, sorry :(
    i know, i haven't shared a room with someone since i was little
    and now like when i have my friends round to stay overnight
    i hate someone who snores! lol i never be able to sleep lol
    and i'm quite private too, don't let messers or pple invading my space
    but if its what we gota do, it's wat we gota do!
  3. Emi

    Emi New Member

    They discussed this when I spoke to the woman at Price Management about it and she said definately not. A big part of the program is meeting new people and being thrown into the whole situation of having to meet people. I have just moved into The Commons after being at Chatham for a week and its weird because at Chatham I was on my own for that time. Now I'm going to have to share. It'll be weird at first, but everyones in the same boat. As far as I know the only people on their own is in the Treehouses which you won't be in. :)
  4. louise

    louise New Member

    Yeah the treehouses have 2 rooms where 2 people share and one room for one person. Although chances are everyone in there is going to want the single room so unless you get there first its unlikely.
  5. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    there are a few 3 ppl apt at the commons. 2 ppl share and the third gets his own room. But chances you get this are very very low
  6. Aya

    Aya New Member

    Hey does anyone know if its mixed sex or same sex only?
  7. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth New Member

    same sex (sadly ;) hahaha) nah, it'll be like uni in halls of residence! girly nights! make overs! lol chick flicks! sorry, i'm a huge girly girl! hahaahaha
  8. CPB

    CPB New Member

    Each apartment is same sex but the people living in the apartment beside you might be of the opposite sex.
  9. thisisme46

    thisisme46 New Member

    i wouldn't worry bout it too much im sure u'll get used to it, i too like 'my' lil bit to sleep and am the lightest sleeper ever but i am loving the idea of sharing with sum1 else rite now it'll just take sum gettin used too!!! but its perfect for me half hour on my own is enough me time!!!!
  10. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    I think it'll be a lot like halls of residence too...but better!! I hope I'm in one of the bigger houses, though I've heard it compromises fridge space lol.
  11. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    Having a room mate is like having a guaranteed best friend ;D
  12. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    I've never had a room-mate before. I hope I get someone nice, and not a snorer or farter lol. *Considers taking a gas mask*
  13. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Thats a.....nice......way to look at it. ;)
  14. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

    Does anyone know if you can request to be put in the same room with someone who is going down on the same day as you? has anyone tried this?
  15. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    Or an enemy who you have to share with :-\ but you can always change the Apt ;D
  16. Elliot_Stone

    Elliot_Stone New Member

    I like the thoughts of having a room mate, cause since I can remember I have always shared a room with my sister and I'd miss that atmosphere.

    Plus having a room mate going through the same things will hopefully mean less chance of home sickness.
  17. britishseapower

    britishseapower New Member

    I didn't make any requests or anything but the 2 lads I was sat next to on the plane and got talking to, ended up in the same apartment as me so it might just happen by chance anyway, if you are both arriving at the same time.
  18. Loz

    Loz New Member

    I remember reading somewhere that they actively avoid putting you in the same room as people from your country. Does anyone know if that's true?
    (not that it matters, I'm just curious. Hi by the way)
  19. Nickie Mouse

    Nickie Mouse New Member

    i ahve my own floor at the treehouses! double bed an cable tv!!! the girls upstairs share but there are people who want to live in the room upstairs with the en-suite so its possible to talk it out between roomies an see what everyone wants
  20. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    whoa you get a double bed and your own floor?! i take back what i said about sharing lol. nah just kidding, i'm looking forward to having a room mate. nice to know you can talk out your rooms though between your roomies. I bet they do avoid putting you in the same room as people from your country, I guess its to make sure you mingle with other countries as much as possible.

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